Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Sure, bud.

Boy, that wit, you’re killing my self-esteem.

I mean you were the one who came back and thought you would show the “furrys” what is up but so far all you have done is make a fool of yourself with your comments.

I mention the word furry once and ya’ll go nuts, lol.

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Not really you were the one who gave up instantly cause the big mean furrys mean you dont know to make a discussion and choose to try and insult other instead.

I can tell you right now, this was not the response Thelion wanted lol.
But yes I agree.

What discussion? Ya’ll just ignore anything I say and dismiss any source. Talking to a brick wall is not a good use of time you may have noticed.

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My Dude, we literally responded with counters only to be met with you calling everyone names lol.


I dont know where you came up with humans don’t have tails the whole point of this post is to get optional tails for Worgen so people have the freedom of choice to choose if they would like to have one in game or not. But thank you for keeping on track and not resorting to petty attacks of “I hate furrys” like so many others do. Oh well at least there are some out who will keep to having a discussion.

Your ‘counters’ are just you saying: “You’re wrong, I saw one in a game and it had a tail”

Zero people have said this in the entire thread, what? lol

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Yeah you totally didn’t say that.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
Thats MTG and DnD not WoW…

You should reread the post you responded to apparently.

Not wow, DnD and MTG are games.

Wheres your source? You came in said we are wrong about Werewolves. So where is your proof of this claim. Cause in fokelore Werewolves were humans who transformed into full blown wolves and they have tails. Yes there are plenty of times they are depicted without tails but just as often they are depicted with them as well.


I just did, what the hell are you even talking about?
I literally never said “I saw one in a game and it had a tail”

DnD and MTG aren’t games, huh?

When you say IN GAME it means in THIS game.

If you calm down and go back and re-read it, you’ll see I said “In A Game”, not in-game.

Werewolves in D&D and MTG are almost always depicted with a tail. I say almost cause cards like Greater Werewolf in MTG is only a werewolf head and not a full body shot. I worked at a comic and gaming shop for 18 years D&D and MTG are two of the big selling items I sold so I can answer that rather quick.