Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

And? That doesn’t invalidate either side. That’s why tail options are the right call. You want to be ‘historically accurate’ (for whatever that’s worth given the fact that this is a fictional being)? Go without a tail. You want to be accurate to more modern depictions or just want something to counterbalance the posture of digitigrade legs and a hunchback? Go with a tail.


And again Worgen are not werewolves anyway.
MTG, DnD, etc all have werewolves with tails.
Try again.

Ok, lets go that direction. Worgen clearly don’t have tails. So why is this even a discussion?

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Blood Elves clearly did not have head tentacles.

They don’t, void elves do.

Holy hell my guy, do you really mean to tell me you don’t know Void Elves are Blood Elves?

Because nothing is set in stone when it can be adjusted. The Thalassian model was strictly Horde, until it wasn’t. Tauren couldn’t be Priests or Rogues, until they could. There are easy ways to explain tails happening on Worgen.

They were, just like worgen were humans. They changed.

Don’t tell me you didn’t know Worgen were humans?

Holy moly we are getting close!
So they changed right? Meaning biological change is very much possible in this established fantasy world.
Meaning they can change again to have tails.
Damn, what a stretch!

I think you need some fresh air.

For what reason?

Wrong historically werewolves have had tails for a very long time. Most of the time those depicted as being Werewolves were able to transform into full wolves. Tail and all. The concept art for Worgen had tails but Blizzard ran out of time to make the Worgen model. We are simply asking for the tail to be an optional choice so players can choose if they want it or not. If you like your monkey butt Worgen you are by all means welcome to keep it with that look. I for one as a Worgen player would like an optional tail that I would opt into using.

I realize now this is full of militant furries so I’ll take my exit.

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Already said the reason.

There it is, you have zero argument and are just tilted at “tHe FuRrYs”


Another one bites the dust… and another one down… and another down… another one bites the dust.

I hate when I break my play things so quick oh well.

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Oddly I don’t care either way from a visual stand point. Just that you guys are wrong about werewolves having tails.

Humans don’t have tails.


Humans also dont have 3 toes.

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Eh… Not 100% true.

What IS 100% true is they don’t have snouts or claws… And I’m pretty sure they have 5 digits on each extremity, not 4.

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Good thing we are Worgen.