Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No one is bugging you. I am responding to posts which need some discussion.

I am here for the communication team and hoping my suggestion of belt transmogs gets to them.

More lies from you. YOu just cant help yourself from lying. Its a shock that you have not been sent on vacation yet for misflags.

This was addressed to joke - Werewolves hybrids have tails. Stop trolling me and come up with an argument.

I wonder why that isā€¦ Maybeā€¦ just maybe I have only reported the valid posts of yours where you deserved to be reported. Its a really hard concept to grasp I know but I donā€™t go off on wild tangents just reporting someone cause I donā€™t like them. On the contrary Hamburger I like you, you make me laugh and as they say laughter is the best medicine. So donā€™t you worry at all Iā€™m here for the long run, you and me are going to be good friends by the time Iā€™m done with you.

Yes they do and we want them to be optional I understand you are confused again but its ok its why we are here to help you.

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Drede is 100% right, letā€™s take a step back. The concept of tails and other appearance options for Worgen is a fun topic. No one needs to be right or get in the last word. Letā€™s all take the high road here.

(Also, give Worgen a tail option!)


You have to first prove you have absolutely no life whatsoever.

Then you can post pictures. :laughing:



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So glad that look is gone.


I really want the option to have our teeth more like Genns as well as a nearly no teeth showing option.

Also tails.

And Damnit Tess should have gone worgen.


No, you are not a leader. There should be a significant visual difference between a leader and a player.

Didnā€™t you claim Orcs could only have the upright backs because of their leader, thrall?

Which on its own is laughably incorrect since heā€™s not why they got them.

Are you changing that opinion of yours?

Are void elves not allowed to have natural skin tones or blue ones? Like is it Alleria or Umbric whose the leader there?

Can tauren still have magathas black fur?

Where we drawing this line?


Once again leader are their own characters. But they are not the progenitors of the race. They donā€™t dictate what the race looks like. Except for the outfit its very easy to make races like Night Elves, Void Elves, Blood Elves and others look just like the racial leaders or fairly close to them. If anything with everything our characters have done we should be more important than the racial leaders.

Are the mangy pups still howling for the tail that shall not be theirs?

Magic 8-ball says: more than likely.

Oh its this one again. Alright lets take bets on how long they last this time. Do I hear 12 hours?

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This is why I do not communicate with anyone that has opposing views. I have nothing against them and they have every right to hold the views they have but I find its the best way to keep possible nonsense to a minimum. That being said another 1+ to worgen having tails.


Seems like you are going against your own argument here.


You or I are no one to decide this dynamic. This is up to the game designers. letā€™s stay within our limits as consumers.

I will talk with opposite viewpoints just for the sake of argument or the work out if my opinion/idea has any flaws.

But if you are just there to be contrary with no real arguments or just trying to push some agenda I will not interact so as not to derail the thread with bickering.


No tails to Worgens.

Yeah. I have him blocked but based on the posts heā€™s still saying the same thing over and over, donā€™t let him have air guys.

Worgen are missing a lot of customization options that were shown. Letā€™s get those out soon along with optional tails.

Letā€™s give worgens tails. Itā€™s only fair.


All this gang has done is bicker and report my post when I am trying to suggest they ask for a belt transmog.

Good, I think one of them got a much-needed vacation for false flags.

As a gamer, I understand how you want your hero to look. But try and be reasonable. I gave them a very good suggestion for belt transmog.

The same that Draenai has in Warfront tier 3. It is really good what the designers did because the same belt has different visuals for others races. So this is not far-fetched.

But they are hell-bent on pushing an agenda that does not fit with World of Warcraft and especially a classic tier 1 race.

This is not some Pandaren or Vulpera - this is a classic race !