Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Loreless nonsense elves got blue eyes, it’s only fair Worgens get tails.


Sacrifice animation for the ability to play the class.

I’m just giving a reason why it would work as a gamplay vs lore type of thing.

… You feeling okay there bud?

Hahah Just teasing but yeah, I had a feeling they were going to do that with void elves as a compromise. There was a blue post about it a long while ago.

Worgen are still unplayable on the alpha so who knows, we might just get it.


no, this is a temporary ruse to bring attention to my next plan:

giving worgen fins




think emoji


high elves existed in lore
worgen tails never have

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I suppose we need something to beg for now that we have high elves.

Before the Storm says otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw, I’ve been begging for this for years.

Couldn’t hear it over the cries for high elves :stuck_out_tongue:

Notes 1,200 replies on thread

That’s amazing, frankly.

Oh yeah i remember that xD

She also came back on twitter, and said worgen don’t have tails

Doesn’t matter, happened in canon. B)

Compared to the few million for high elves, but I’m just playing with the earlier comments.

I do think tails would be neat.

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People have been wanting tails since it was announced in Cataclysm and the models shown from the alpha. Over 10 years of wanting it…

Not as long as high elves but still a substantially long time.

now that alliance can have high elves iots time for worgen to have tails cm,on blizzard youd get so much more popularity from this

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Give worgen tails, that is all.

I can drink a potion and swap my genitalia.
I can enter a barber shop and walk out with a new layer of skin, different eyes, and a new face.
I can use a gnomish device to teleport me onto a different planet and accidentally get my DNA swapped with someone else’s.
I can turn you into a literal sheep.

I’m pretty sure a determined alchemist/wizard/engineer/all 3 can give worgen tails in this universe. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Y’know, would be great if they came up with a compromise,

like making a whole new race that has tails

maybe make them fox people instead

why are we not funding this?

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:blue_heart: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

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