Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I mean, yes? Do you see half the response to BE/Draenei?

That’s the entire point, that Vulpera and Worgen tails are no more out of line than Tauren existing. And, uh, I myself am quite the delight in black-and-white.


No… at this point I think you just have a problem. Either trolling or you have a real issue, either way. I still don’t see what this has to do with Worgen tails.

Is that a game flirt? It should be, lol.

It is not the same. You’re altering a characters appearance and making it more furryish.

Like bro I just don’t want this art style seeping into WoW. I think Drakthyr and evoker’s look like hot garbage.

Again Tauren’s were not designed by furries. I’m pretty sure they just stole all the /commands from everquest. like “oh an mmo is suppose to have these.”

I don’t like Drakthyr. I don’t like Vulpera. Adding tails to Worgens is going to make me like them even less.

Give us a normal animal race like Tuskarrs. Not this ugly crap.

Some of those flirts were around in Warcraft 3, so you’re dead wrong there.

… This is not me putting disrespect on this name, because the man did amazing work.

But Samwise was among the lead designers for art direction in Warcraft. And, uh… Boy oh boy do I have news.

That doesn’t make any sense. How do tails make them “even less”. At least you’re honest about it just being your opinion and it doesn’t really have any bearing on the facts of the lore.

So are short women. I wouldn’t suggest Googleing it. That leads to a much darker path. You my friend are just blind and choose only to look at something with a negative light if it’s not something you agree with. And that’s fine you’re welcome to you’re own opinion but when you get told something and just look for everything negative you can hunt for to try and prove your right well you do you.


Man you guy’s know way too much about this stuff.

Still not proof at all. If you can’t tell from a glance that female taurens are literally not sexualized at all…I don’t know what to tell ya. You are just trying to win based on the presence of a mechanic that exists for every race in the game.

Then the tuskarrs would inevitably be made ‘furry’ by your standards, because people will want options to make them visually appealing. Which is kind of a big draw for racial selection, or do I need to point at the crazy amount of the pie Blood Elves currently hold in Horde pop?

EDIT: Real talk, ugly races don’t get picked unless they are hella-busted or the individual in question just loves the concept.

Thats not even a real word. Again, completely ludicrous reasons and excuses.

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I mean you’re talking about design but it’s kind of rubbish to have a digitigrade race with no counter balance. It doesn’t make anatomical sense. You seem to be contradicting yourself.

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I think that it may be one, not 100% sure as well… I can’t recall all the pandaren flirts but the delight in black and white might be one. I recall they also got a joke about being complimented on having a really nice butt which I find amusing. Then there’s the flirt from female vulpera asking people if they’re “Fixin for a Vixen” that’s a delight too. I hope thy never terminate flirts as the game’s T rated not E, but I can also say they’d get more players most likely giving worgen some love with more customization and optional tails


Here let me put this in a way you can understand. Cows have udders, not mammary glands on thier chest where humans have them. When the model was made like that it was to sexualize the model. Like it or not that decision alone made Tauren by design a furry race from the very start of WoW.

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Well, isn’t this thread just full of beans today?


a digitigrade race with no counter balance.

Dude. Wearwolves don’t need tails. Stop inventing what makes “anatomical sense” for mythical creatures. You didn’t design the race, clearly they don’t need tails, otherwise they would have tails.

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… I see what you did there.

Arguably tauren are tapping into a different aesthetic that was far, FAR more common in pornography for a very long time than the waifish melon-poles you seem to think of as sexualized. Tauren-centric sets also show a lot more skin than anything we see most worgen NPCs in.

The, shall we say, maternal proportions were considered the height of sexy until basically the 1900s.

Take an anatomy class. They lean forward, on digitigrade legs, and have no counter balance. You didn’t design it either, but it did have a tail in it’s initial conception, in the lore, and the model has rigging for it. So… you seem to be on the back foot here.


Yeah if they’d kept the udder on the stomach thing it’d of been idk…kinda creepy…making them like minotaur and making their udders their breasts seems more fitting. Yes okay it sexualizes them some but it’s not like they can have huge breasts like in some art floating about no doubt