Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I really don’t get why everyone rails against customization options that the player base wants, when it makes sense. They devolve into such muck fests.

I just want an anatomically sound werewolf. If physics existed in WoW Worgens would fall flat on their face 9/10 times.


re-reads in case she misunderstood something


Someone wasn’t around for the days of the VCL, eh? And yes, the Tauren are extremely furry. Several of their /jokes in WoW, and even annoyed lines in WC3 are extremely sus, my guy.

Furries are everywhere and have a huge variety of artstyles.





adjective: furry; comparative adjective: furrier; superlative adjective: furriest

  1. covered with fur.

“furry creatures in fields”

Tauren are cows. Cows have fur. Therefore Tauren are Furrys. There is no getting around this no matter how you want to swing it.

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I want you to take one look at female taurens and come back to me and tell me it’s sexualized and a pervert was putting his fetish in his game. I looked up some of the jokes, I would just call them immature, there’s nothing horny about it.

And if a furry is making art that doesn’t look like furry art than credit to them. They’re doing fine.

Not that kind of furry. Try urban dictionary.

“You can’t milk that.”

“I milked all over the floor.”

Dude, you’re either underage or hilariously sheltered if you don’t get immediate fetish vibes from that.

EDIT: Bringing the point back to Worgen tails… Uh… They’re not fetishistic? They’re a normal appendage for a canine-type to have. So there.

Give Worgen Tails.


What does this have to do with tails? The actual topic of this thread.

pops in to see what’s new…gets bombarded by tide of over 300 replies I uh…seem to have missed a huge argument. I fear to ask but…did I miss anything besides a male Chespin going crazy about lore which can be altered at the drop of a hat and has been several times over? Also…random thought… I wonder if druids in the new Diablo game with have that werewolf ability. That sounds like fun honestly… I’d buy it in a heartbeat if I could become a werewolf with a fluffy tail and bite the heads off folk. To the maw with the diablo immortal garbage I’m wondering if we’ll get werewolf power for druids in the new Diablo 4. I mean okay they showed off bear stuff but… idk bear stuff is fine but it’s no wolf form. God now I’m wondering what a vulpera with the worgen curse would look like… anyone still carrying the curse wanna help me find out? You know without tearing my throat out I mean… lol. Give worgen tails already… oh and Merry Xmas everyone…happy holidays

You’re crazy. If it was a /flirt response maybe I would agree. It’s meant to make you laugh.

Also “you can’t milk that” is from league of legends. And “I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor” I’m 99% sure is literally suppose to make the player go “ew”. Like it’s funny because it’s gross.

Why would I go to something that can be openly edited by anyone that is like saying go to a wiki and prove something is real. You want to tell people what is a furry you go to the base definition of the word. Oh and to save you the time here is my character Asheru:

Let’s see what you make of this.


Chespin going crazy about lore which can be altered at the drop of a hat and has been several times over?

Man what is with those people? They care more about Warcrafts lore than blizzard does.

Of course I find this to be furry art. And sexual.

Wait I just noticed she’s giant…are you trying to make me laugh? I honestly can’t tell.

You do you man. But I don’t want you designing characters in WoW.

god I miss this joke, I found it funny then again I may have a sick sense of humor imagining a tauren at a party laughing so hard she sprayed milk on the floor and a goblin slipped in it and fell out a window every time I heard it.

Is it? I must be confusing my minotaurs. Either way, here’re some more choice ones:

“I want a man with soft hands. Preferably four of them.”
“I’ve got big, soulful eyes, long eyelashes and a wet tongue. What more could a guy want?”
“Hey. You into leather?”
“Y’know, older bulls really only have one function.”

Like, my guy. C’mon now. And those are /flirts.

Tails are fetishes but leather daddies ain’t?


god why did they remove this one…it’s about her face and not in bad taste… so sad they removed this.

What the hell’s sexual about it? She’s in naturalist garb, nothing indecent is showing…?

Is it the giantess bit?

It’s no more sexual than some of the bikini mogs I’ve seen pass for ‘armor’ in this game.

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She’s certainly a lovely gal, and not exactly sexual as it’s not showing any nip. I mean unless showing fur is suddenly sexual for some folk. Still annoyed people think and pretend furries are all about sexual stuff when they’re really not.

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What’s wrong with it. My character is 113 feet tall cause she’s a race called Lyceen. Sure she’s not some tiny 6 foot human, it’s kind of boring at this point that most alien races are the same size as humans. Why go with the normal when you can be unique.


Yea literally every race says dirty stuff like that. That’s what /flirt was designed to do.

By this metric literally every race is sexualized.

Because giant women is also a fetish. Dontchya know?