Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

YOu know the game devs will not approve this as this will give Worgen players significant authority in the game.

Like a visual authority. You can have GIant growth elixir like the rest of us.

Once again 3 seconds after your post I can prove you wrong again. If your idea is a popular as you claim and such a better idea then people will flock to it and ā€œlikeā€ it. There for you will get more votes. So yes that is how math works.

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I wish we could be friends in-game :frowning:

But looks like you hate Taurens.

Like I said, he doesnā€™t give two flying letters about the lore.

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For the record: Your model is the lore correct height for worgen, but ironically is too short by about the same height as worgen are for how tall tauren are supposed to be.

Worgen should be about 8 ft tall, but are about 6 ft tall in game. Itā€™s part of why our shoulders donā€™t ever fit properly.

Tauren should be about 10 ft tall, but are about 8ft in game. Because otherwise there would be doorways player tauren couldnā€™t enter. In lore they just duck.

Itā€™s just gross, how he goes about acting holier than thou about the lore and how it needs to be protected from any player desires. Unless, of course, it contradicts his opinion.

Ask for this while you are at it. Ask Taurens to be 10 ft tall too :slight_smile:

Yea - thank you. Dont ruin our game because of your desire. Werewolves dont have tails.

Ask for transmog options. I am very confident it is coming.


Hears heā€™ll be 10 ft tall

I mean, heā€™s trolling, I doubt he actually cares at all heā€™s just trying to get a rise out of people in the thread.

I just like dropping interesting fun facts and poking back.


Prove werewolves donā€™t have tails.

Yeah I know. I just wish heā€™d actually answer a question, lmao.

Yes, this is why I go out of my way and give you all a work able solution ?

Itā€™s why youā€™re intentionally ignoring every counter point brought up to you like a five year old, yes.


There is one issue with that. WoW is already designed with Tauren being 8 feet tall in mind. Yes I would love all races to be the correct size but WoW is made with the buildings set for a height of 8ā€™6" as the doorways unless you are in an area where Vrykul live. Yes its a bad design choice but Blizzard while increasing hero size never dares give the players the same power in its sizes and plays it safe with most races being 8 feet tall at the max. You just would not fit in the current buildings if you were 10 feet tall, sadly.

YOu guys have yet to bring up any argument? there is no counter!

Show me where in World of Warcraft - Dragonflight in Gilneas any Worgen NPC leader with a tail. Please stop linking me trash mobs from random games.

Nah youā€™ve already been shown and ignored every bit of it. You kept talking about protecting the lore but dropped that once you were told that Worgens have tails in the Lore.
Onus is on you and youā€™ve failed every time.

Edit: You havenā€™t proved that they give character customization based on NPC leaders, either, so thatā€™s a dead horse.

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So by that logic all Goblins should be fat? Jastor Gallywix is fat. You do know that racial leaders donā€™t mean they are the only look for the race right? Just means they are elected officials. Iā€™m going to appoliglise ahead of time if I offend anyoneā€¦ So your telling me all Amercians should be orange cause Trump was president? That donā€™t make any since as they are just the leaders of the faction. They are not the race progenitors.


He also keeps calling Iconic characters in the Blizzard Universe ā€œTrash Mobsā€. Heā€™s just a troll.

Iā€™d rather talk about how far forward Worgens lean when they run and are in combat stance. They, biologically, need a tail to balance especially with digitigrade legs.