Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Please settle down and be nice. Do you see me calling demeaning insults to you guys?

Sure no problem. Ask game devs for this.

Awesome, would love to see you all decked up.

Now, you are lying. Let me make it easy for you. King Greyman at 2.33 min mark.He is standing and has no tail. Has a long coat. His legs are wide open in a warrior stance. So you won’t miss it.

h ttps://

Ask them for a tail transmog option.

You still don’t get it. A cosmetic mesh that ignores the models actual tail rigging would be a tremendous amount of work. You’re still plugging your ears and ignoring the overwhelming amount of evidence being shown to you. You. Are. A. Troll.

Yes, because WoW lore never gets altered, retconned, or outright ignored to fit the the design and story choices of the developers.

You are legitimately failing in this debate. You have yet to offer a single defensible argument against tails, or rebut any argument in support of optional tails. Your only achievement here has been to keep this thread bumped and visible.


stop it, please.

This should have been a good logical reason to why you are not getting it.

good they should read my suggestion and give you an alternative. I really do feel for you guys so i suggested.

I think the best bet, would be just to ignore the Cowtroll. Worgens had tails in the past and I think it should be restored to them. The rigging is there, the lore is there, the playerbase desire is there. Lets get to it!


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You will sell water to a thirsty man.

And you would struggle to

Stop what calling you out on your bull cow pie? (Once again cow joke intended) Do you have any idea why some of us have been fighting for Worgen for 13 years? Is it even worth me explaining it or will you stick your fingers in your ears again and “LALALA I can’t hear you cause you posted a long post explaining stuff and Im too lazy to read it?” Ill await your answer.

I’m not actually. This is Before the Storm. The official book that lead up to the events of BFA.

As a matter of fact once I get home from my holiday trip. I can pull up the book for you and show you the exact quote that said he had a tail. This is a official warcraft novel that directly ties and lead up to the expansion itself.

Not a single story dev that works in the warcraft team has ever corrected this issue. Same goes for the tailed worgens in Hearthstone.

Worgen tails are real!


Yeah. Page 210 in “Before the Storm” Genn Greymane has a tail. I just looked that up.


Only strengthen my case - that it was a transmog. If he had a tail, he would have a tail ?

If that was the case, the straight back and jewelry would be reflected upon in game as well. For all we know, that will be his remodeled appearance since Genn is actually still using his original Cataclysm model.

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Trading post - Belt transmog options. That is what you all should be working towards.

Make it as rare as possible - nice fluffy belts as tails.

Your advice is noted. We’ll keep pushing for actual tail options however, thanks.

Give Worgen Tails.


The quote:


Tell you what go make a new post with that suggestion and lets see you get as many likes as this thread has. Then maybe you can get some traction and get it added for other races. Till then we will continue to ask for more Worgen customization.

Give Worgen Optional Tails!
Give Worgen a Lore Correct Size!


He doesn’t actually care about the lore. That’s the problem here.

That is not how math works.

We know that every time Ive brought up the Lore correct size he ignores it.

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