Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Please give me a tail!!! My bum is lonely!!!

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I’d find it funny if they gave Worgen tails, and then just acted & stated in lore casually that it’s been like that the entire time:

“What? We’ve always had tails. Whatchya talkin’ bout Willis?”

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C’mon Blizzard, give Worgen Talis, Jesus!!


I’d roll Foxxy for a DH

“cataclysm alpha face” do it blizz, alpha hairstyles as well
:grimacing: :pray: :drooling_face:

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I wonder if anyone from the dev team even looks at these posts? It would be amazing if one day at the very least they came out and said We hear you. That would be amazing.

I mean there are like 9000+ responses to this, surely one of em had to look at some point lol


There is almost no way that they haven’t seen this or heard about it.

This thread has been going regularly for 2 years. Its got tons of responses and tons of likes.

They know.



Maybe at 10k replies.


Do worgen want to be floofed?

Is that what this is about?

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Wouldn’t you want to be floofed?


Actually yes.

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In another friendly reminder that Worgen already have bones for animating tails do to having so many NPC races use their rig.

Gnolls have tails in Dragonflight and use the worgen rig.

So Saurok, Sethrak, Dragonmen, and Gnolls are all models that use the Worgen rig now.


sooo when are you gonna sign below the dotted line to get worgen tails

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You’re a warrior; you don’t stalk, you smash.

Ironic that goblins got tails before worgen hah

At this point it makes you wonder if some of these blizzard employees just hate the worgen and don’t want to add anything to them. Remember how they launched the female worgen? As well as how long it took for them to fix such a straightforward problem? Even with that it’s still not as close to what people were asking for. I say that loosely as the community had a few ideas on what they were looking for. It seriously makes me wonder if they really do hate the worgen. I’m probably just overthinking it.


The way they handled them at cata launch makes me think they where at least uninterested and where just phoning it in with vague unworked ideas.

Though that could be said of a lot of Alliance races at the time.


Im starting to think, its not gonna happen

Give worgen the floof tail