Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Wow holy crap someone else pointed out how weird this feels to some of us on a subconscious level. Part of why I feel so weird playing worgen druid. Other than ofc the fact that, as an already ferocious druid form, turning into a different one to be ferocious seems really really really stupid. Just as stupid as having awesome unarmed werewolf claw animations, but never ever seeing them in combat cause then I’d suck. Fun race.


Ive always just wanted a Lore correct 8 foot size, optional tail and the option for Worgen to use Pack Form as a Feral druid. Give me those 3 things and I would never again complain.


And true black fur here, please :smiley: :ok_hand:


The tail would have to be really thick to counterbalance that weight.

I say delete orks nothing but trouble . I wouldn’t drink green goo because someone told me to.


what about a glow in the dark tail

Hmmm tempting but no

Nope that’s why we have a 9600+ post here asking for it to be optional.

He is a troll. Look at his other posts. Report him, ignore him, and move on.

Hello I am post number 9612 and I am demanding tails for worgen.



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What do players want?

Optional Worgen tails

When do players want them?


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When will we get them

I don’t like worgen, but I too wish they had tails!

Thats ok I dont like elves… Even though I started life as an Elf. Then I got better.

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so Vulpas have tails and Worgan do not?

10K posts and worgen still have no tails. I call worgen cruelty. Why has the developers been so mean to our furry friends?

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
Tail please

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Still no tails. :sob:

Come on Blizzard you caved and gave those fake high elves and destroyed Void Elves how about giving real Worgens optional tails.

Dracthyr’s customization makes me hopeful worgen will get the same :wolf:
Especially the ears, fur patterns, underbelly colors, body shapes, snout shapes!