Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

From Christie Golden in reference to her mentioning Genn’s tail in Before the Storm.
For context, the nonexistent twitter account she references, was the account of Blizzards lead Historian/Loremaster.

  1. Sharp eyes have caught a slipup in Before the Storm–unlike Genn, I’m only human. I mistakenly pinned a tail on the worgen. @Llorewalker caught it & we thought we’d docked all the tails, but missed one, so there is a vestigial tail in the book. So no, worgen don’t have tails."

Sure, it can change. But it’s still confirmation that worgen, as Blizzard currently writes them, do not have tails.

You’re also forgetting she also tweeted this explaining that when it comes to the wow story itself she doesn’t have any control over it. There’s a different between a story writer and a story directer, which is something Blizzard just hired for recently btw.

Also you never know. With this new story director in, they will add in a cool way to actually give us tails story wise!


Ahhh the broken record club of Christie Golden said it so there for it must be true… ZZZzzz wake me when you have something original to say. Its been proven she is just a writer for Blizzard and not a lore writer. So on to the real lore that is not shown in game and this was given by a Blizzard staff member. Worgen are 8 feet tall in Worgen form. That is cannon lore and yet in game they are 6’ 10". That is not lore correct.

Optional tails will always be better as it gives more options.


This right here. Just adding them as an option would be enough. I’d seen fan-made model edits and tails just add that final touch that Worgen need, IMO - especially the males with the hunched-over pose and no way to counterbalance!


Sean Copeland, through the tweet, is shown to have consulted with her. It doesn’t really have to do with her being a writer. Sean Copeland is the WoW employee for all things lore. He is the chief historian for the lore of the WoW universe.

There are arguments that can be made, but saying the “Worgen don’t have tails in the lore” claim isn’t accurate is definitely not one of them.

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Wow Devs can be wrong, change their minds or be replaced and we can see an entirely new lore take place.

Worgen getting tails, optional ones at that, isn’t something anyone should be contending. It won’t change worgen, it won’t affect any lore about worgen, and if someone doesn’t want their worgen to have a tail as before they don’t have to.

Why waste the time gatekeeping worgen requests?


I am so happy that Worgen are getting Gilneas back. Now, stop begging for tails. Blizz is so good to you. Be grateful!

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No we want more customization options and we want to see it. Nothing you say can change our minds on our requests and those who don’t want it and don’t play the race really don’t matter. We are asking for options for the race with one of the least amount of customization in the game so things like an optional tail are what we would like to see.


hehe hahahhoho i han has a tail taily tail tail cuz ia m shapeepepepeshifigterheheheheahhahohoh


You really shouldn’t be pretending to be someone you’re not.


watchuy watchu mean??!?!?! whatchu mean? I am me! I am god shapewshifter!!! what you how you mean i am someone elsE?

Thought I’d repost this. The best mock up of the tail OPTION I’ve seen.


If anyone says no I don’t want to bring up that topic

There’s literally a entire wowpedia entry dedicated to retcons and lies Blizzard has done with wow over the years too and it’s pretty lengthy xD

Also never forget. Pact Form had tails, the curse stems off of the pact form, Goldrinn never actually gave us a actual blessing himself. Highmountain Taurens got antlers off of Cenarius blessing. Since Worgens basically have every other part of a wolf body anyways, it’s only logical that worgens blessed by Goldrinn, or any race probably, would get a tail.

Give us a quest to unlock the tail if you have to Blizzard. You’ve shown you are fine with having appearances locked behind questlines such as Night Warrior, Dark Ranger, Golden Eyes, ect. Make this one of those things!



Worgen Community: worgen want tails the whole worgen community has lore supporting this.
Blizzard: are they void elves.
Worgen Community: uh no we are kind of tired of void elves having all these customization options before us……
Blizzard: say no more fam we will give something lore breaking to void elves that doesn’t fit their atheistic


TBH that’s one of the reasons I rolled my eyes at Dark Rangers, just…I’m tired of Blizz constantly jerking off elves (even though most of the bad things that happened to Azeroth happened because of bad decisions the elves made). Like they have a world full of sapient species, and they added ANOTHER race of elf.

We have enough elves, I’m tired of them being pushed front and center because hurr durr purdy race - Blizz can do better than that, and I KNOW they can.


One thing that is utterly glossed over is the Worgen were living with the night elves. Worgen burned along with them when the Horde attacked but it’s completely ignored. In BFA in the diversion attack we see Worgen troops used as cannon fodder knowing they are going to die before the attack of BfDA. Blizzard has yet to give Worgen anything when it comes to a positive note. Just look at the Heritage Armor quest. Worgen are told it’s not the curse that makes us who we are… really cause without the Worgen curse we would be humans who sound British. The only thing Worgen have gotten that kept our race from being one of the least played was the HD model revamp that removed the rabid, pregnant, 24/7 snarling chihuahua model and gave us a proper look that has the male and female Worgen models being believable that they are the same race. There are other things like Worgen never getting the racial revamp that every other core race got, and so on that it would take hours to post it all.

It’s time for some Worgen love. It’s time for Worgen to get some opinions. It’s time for Worgen to be a lore correct size. It’s time for Worgen to be given an optional tail.

And if you don’t like it don’t use it but don’t come here and tell Worgen players they can’t request options.


Worgen should’ve got a new capital zone like goblins where you build one

Not according to moonguard I flat out asked why elves are more interesting then humans. They brought their lore up and I’m like okay but physically they are just humans with pointy ears. Ironic I’m saying this because worgen are sort of human but look nothing like a human rn