Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

We just keep posting either Blizzard bans every Worgen player and loses money or they give in and give the Worgen race options.


there were some in cata.

I thought OP was a male. What happened?

Itā€™s off. Forget it.

Gender isā€¦ mallable.

Just go to your local barber.

Caelus used to be Worgen but after 12+ years or Worgen being ignored by Blizzard Im not surprised they are Night Elf. I will never not be a Worgen but it is a bit sad to see how much customization Elves get in comparison. Worgen desperately need some love.

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Even op is done :pleading_face:

There are still plenty of Worgen players who arent and will continue to request options, lore correct size and just to see Worgen given love in General.

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Yeah OP is done with blizzard ignoring worgen. I am not however

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At no point in all of Warcraft have worgen had tails. Might as well ask for gnomes to have more fingers.

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Oh okay.


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Itā€™s shown in official blizzard art pieces worgen have tailsā€¦ā€¦ and also even if not lore reason look at how many worgen want tails. Void elves got something unrelated to their identity which is non void customization



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At no point previously to recent expansions have the Tauren had antlers, the Orcs had straight spines, or several races had tattoo options. Yet, now they do.

ā€œTimes change.ā€ - Garrosh


Its a troll just ignore themā€¦ Any other race asks for stuff its fine but Worgen ask and the trolls come out of the wood work to tell us that Lore matters and in no way, form or shape can we get options. If lore mattered Worgen would be 8 feet tall like they are in lore. The lore is dead.


:pleading_face: :two_hearts:

:dizzy_face: :skull:

Wrong Lore there little oneā€¦
Punts Lore away

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Youā€™re right, tauren didnā€™t have antlers. And the tauren that didnā€™t have antlers still donā€™t have antlers. Highmountain tauren, which are a different group of tauren with their own new lore, have antlers.

Orcs had straight spines in lore. Being hunched over was strictly a player model restriction. Various orc NPCs had straight spines. Most orcs had straight spines in War3. Worgen, unlike Orcs, have never canonically been displayed with a tail anywhere ever. Not one time.

Could they introduced a new group of Worgen that has tails, like highmountain tauren? Sure. But thatā€™s not what weā€™re asking for here. Weā€™re asking for worgen cursed from the scythe of elune, to have tails.

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Wouldnā€™t that just be night elf worgen and not human worgen a shame blizzard didnā€™t give us a night elf worgen allied race we couldā€™ve had pointy ears

Someone show him the worgen with tail official promotion art


Promo art is not canon.