Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

A repeated mistake is no longer a mistake it is on purpose even if through negligence. They have made their decision to support this artwork.


Not just any mistake either if it is a mistake, but a super massive one if it made it in the promotional. They even sell the tailed worgen art in the blizzard gear store as well. xD

You can buy a official tail worgen off the official Blizzard store. ;D

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That is not ending well!


Take worgen to the forest and release them into the wild.


“You’re free! Go!”



I approve of this artwork, bring on the tails.

#ProCookies :cookie:

Kind of my point. The nightelves lost their forests and their capital. The Horde won the 4th war. Blizzard plays it off as some sort of draw, but the cost was significantly lopsided against the Alliance due to the first strike against the nightelves.

This is why most found the event where Tyrande confronted Sylvanas and how that turned out was stunningly unfulfilling.

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Will not work as the run off some huntard will try to shoot them it be messy .

I will feed and pet my vulpera.

As long as you don’t call them George :laughing:

Give worgen to FF14.

Pretty sure the canon is that Alliance won the war and both warfronts, it just isn’t seen in game

But we should give these worgen tails, it’s long overdue


for the moment at least. Once we exit the Shadowlands, and it really will be a timeskip expansion/azeroth rework like people have been speculating, we’ll see it really show. Especially with Genn and Turelyon in charge since we’ve been gone. No doubt they decided to push with the expansion of the Alliance. My hope is that the war stuff is done with Sylvanis out of the picture and by the time we come back, Alliance and Horde are buddy buddies. No more faction split, and worgens with their new tails can sit around with vulperas in peace, human and orcs sharing beers, trolls and night elves talking about nature stuff. With Sylvanis out of the picture, nothing bad could possibly happen now, right?.. right?


This is where the picture fades out with a big ? .

I cut a bit out of my post, but right now the horde controls most of Ashenvale, Darkshore is contested, the tree is a burned out stump, and don’t forget Theramore is still a crater. If it were not for spacegoat spaceship, the Alliance would have nothing but minor outposts in Kalimdor. And all it cost the Horde was a ruined city they already evacuated to use as a trap.


To be fair Undercity was a heavy loss to em. They lost their one most major city in Eastern Kingdom. Sure they have Silvermoon, but last we checked according to one of the recent books, they still struggle with the massive scar there, so travel from Silvermoon to the rest of Eastern Kingdom is still tough for em compared to Undercity. At this point, might as well call Kalimdor Horde territory and Eastern Kingdom Alliance territory. At least that’s if they will still want to stick with the whole faction stuff. I wouldn’t mind us all getting together and spend the next expansion learning to work together as two factions in preparation for the major stuff to come in future expansions.

Also give worgen tails so both Alliance and hordes can have a equal amount of tails per faction.

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wrong actually… it’s been said the alliance yet again got the canon win as they ran off Sylvanas. Blizzard never lets the horde win a war lately. They also made it official alliance won darkshore and arathi also

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Give Humans Tails

It’s a literal a drop in ocean and a overlooked mistake. Plus there’s a cultural thing with artists I seen so many people praise an artist despite the art they produced was like your average 7 year old drew it.


Fair enough.

I mean blizzard never put in the work to make it seem like the Alliance won… and so far its still unclear on if we retook Ashenvale or really anything aside from that blackened sandy beach that is Darkshore. The Draenei have more lands on Kalimdor than the Night Elves now.

They say the Night Elves are working out of Hyjal… but I wish they’d show it.

Still the Night Elves should fight back and retake their lands. Especially if their army was doing so well. Course then Tyrande went ahead and decided to just forgive it all…

I know its a dream and nothing else but I really wish we’d get back to Azeroth and the Night Elves turn on her for choosing that. Instead reforming the Army of the Black Moon themselves and launching attacks against her will. (Dark eyes or not I guess.)

At this point Tyrande is nothing. A wasted leader with no power and no point.