Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I can’t remember the last time I spent more than 5 minutes in human form…


Not sure what you’re doing is the point.

I just don’t see any harm in what they requested.

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What being male human and female worgen just to wierd .

I see no harm in it either. And if Blizz deigns to give us optional tails and other customizations I think that can be on the list as well. It’s rather like the druid travel form - you can have a male druid who uses the Glyph of the Doe to change gender when shape shifted. I suppose the same would apply in this instance.


Oh hey, we actually managed to hit 8k replies. Literally just before 8.1.5 was about to hit. I honestly didn’t think we’d make it in this short amount of time but here we are!

8k strong and still waiting for our tails Blizzard!



Does offline count? :slight_smile:


You know it does :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the link, frankly there’re many parts where i disagree with Hazzikostas but also things where i don’t trust him and his team anymore.
They burned everythings with the 9.1 and it’s awful lore, it will be hard to earn my trust again.

This not the place to discuss all the points in this interview but frankly, it’s infuriating to see that they do know our feedbacks and wishes but managed to display a lot of incompetence to translate it into fun within the game.

So will he be willing to give us tail and straight male worgen? It’s about time to have an answer instead of the silent treatment.


8k? :triumph:

This proves that it is something important for those who are participating in these megathreads.
Not only the quantity but the constancy with which the subject is kept in the forum.
And throughout this time, the conversations have remained sociable enough that no CM has had to intervene.
Maturity is an extra point.

Well guys and gals, guess it’s time we jump ship from this thread after just hitting 8k replies.

Looks like one of us, or a few of us are gonna get in to the community council thing and get a chat with the devs about worgen tails finally. :wink:

There’s a sign up to join it, so wouldn’t hurt to try!

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Give worgen to the Horde. Worgens are monsters. The Horde is the monster faction. Include this with patch 9.1.5 please. Thank you.


Lol that’s right. Go right back up into that spaceship and fly on over to Barngrimmar.

Worgens can have their own stalls with hay to chew on and straw to sleep on. Because that’s how it goes in Barngrimmar.

It looks like a barn. Animals live there. So it’s a barn. And worgens belong IN THE BARN right along with all the other animals.

They can even have a block of salt lick, just like we give the meaty/milky tauren cows. Have some hay. Have some salt. Call it a day and sleep on your straw, worgen monsters.


One of my favorite movies.

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All you Worgen have to do is get a handful of you dogs on the new council and your tails will come.


I would but don’t have enough expertise in any area there no just messing around and having fun area .

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Barngrimmar? No It’s Orgrimmar and this is just the Evil Void making you say these things … that’s so wrong! Worgen are not animals, it’s just a curse!

Treat them good like with real food, they don’t chew on straw or hay found in a barn.

Still waiting on my imaginary worgen boyfriend to have a tail big sigh


Give worgen tails as an option like panda gals have (also give panda guys tails in the same manner too!)




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