Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

“We got the tail but we missed the fox…”

But don’t worry - might worry about humans but there’s an unwritten kinship between Vulpines and Lupines

(so we don’t have to take them from the Vulpera)

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Thank you very much for the friendly paw. :heart: :fox_face:


Just stay pawsitive and it will work out :smiley_cat:


Reminder the playerbase likely wouldn’t be tiny if they didn’t destroy the models back in Cata.

Sounds like every void elf thread being made up of the same 10 people crying about high elves, but at least this isn’t a brigade of constant whining, but actual discussion.


They need things in the emergency case to break out when subs get low we will get tails in the next scandal


It was kind of a questionable decision at the time horde was supposed to monstrous race and they changed it to cater. Faction has been given something they shouldnt ever since closest alliance got to a monstrous race was worgen really.

After seeing the options that High Moutain are reviewing, including with cosmetics for their tails, it makes me even hopeful that at some point Blizzard will answer or show something that we are suggesting/requesting in this and other megathreands through the forum for our favorite races.

And let’s see something for worgen too that complies with our wishes fulfilled.

Even if I don’t find anything I’m looking for, I will continue on this path.

Dont Stop Believin’!


Give Worgen tails in human form.

Oh man the nostalgia. I remember seeing the very first episode the first time this aired. Evening special. I was the target demographic and it was a bullseye.

Kids today won’t understand how cool this was. :slight_smile:


And wolf ears right? Sort of the Warcraft version of the Viera? I think that would be adorable, but I also think it would make some people flip out and is not the goal we are shooting for.

#GiveWorgenTails :wolf:


Luckily, it is. Elf players are truly a big issue in this game. Always wanting to look pretty. So shallow. I can totally understand Blizzard giving the High Elves to the Alliance because the numbers which have been posted here are so mind blowing.

This Cartoon was also successful in Brazil.

HAHAHAH. That would make some people pull out their hair.


:alien: tails for the Worgen :vulcan_salute:


I still find it sad that some people hate Worgen players so much we are the only race who has people actively try and tell us what we can and can’t ask for the race we pay to play.


I’m also sad that there isn’t a way to swap faction like some NPCs in the game can do. I would love to be a vulpera among worgens in all honesty.


Void elves get that a lot too.

Now I think on it I’ve seen that a bit in blood elf threads of late too.

And Draenei…


9.1.5 would be a good time if they are going to do this, sucks theres still no word about it.

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They say they’re working on AR’s specifically right now.

They also say they’re taking our requests into account for later though.

Keep asking. Keep pushing. Keep Howling.


They will have to perma ban me from the forums to stop me from talking about Worgen customization