Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yeah thats what I hated it. There are like no worgen characters of note in game all we get is Genn. Crowley is close but he really isn’t in much. This was our chance to finally add someone new in with Tess but nope doggo bad. Also I would have prefered something that looked more wild like the starter clothes for worgen that are fancy but ripped but that’s just my opinion


Kiss off. I’ve conclusively debunked you more than once. Now I just report you for trolling.


Genn is a great grey moral character but all this development is locked behind the books which is utterly dumb.


Kill all worgen.

I entirely agree. Not only were we told “Curse = Bad. Shame on you.” But one of the best Gilnean characters was denied becoming like her people.

Our curse makes us strong damnit!


… While they’re at it let Lorna become a worgen too. Love her.


Only because people chop them off.
It’s extremely weird for worgen to not have the option for tails.

Give worgen tail options.


ignore them I have seen them in multiple threads doing nothing but bashing worgens. They have a vendetta its really odd tbh


Just going to put it out there every time they try to pretend to be an honest dissenter hoping for new people to bite.


Skyrim Werewolves do have tails. I should know. I spent enough time chasing Aela’s tail. ;). Joking aside? The companions questline was one of the better ones and Aela the Huntress was my go to pick for adventuring. Her bow and arrow saved me quite a few times.


Diablo 2 werewolves predate skyrim and are made by Blizzard. Also worgen animations were made for models with a tail. They are unbalanced without it.


Give Tauren Whales!

There are a few breeds where the tails aren’t actually clipped and just are very very short.

Really loved my game where I was a werewolf. Had this great story between me and my brother. (couldn’t play together of course so it was all headcanon fan story stuff).

Great game all things considered.

Yeah. They do look much better set with the tail.

Also I love Sethrak and Saurok.

Hope we get them playable someday.

Ok now hold up.

Imagine a Tauren… .Say of the Taunka variety.

Sailing the frigid waters of Northrend. One of the Tuskarr helping him out. Hunting the great whales to bring back food, glory and all important blubber for their people.


Tauren druid form… whale… but there is a new danger out in the open waters there is a 33% chance you run into Captain Ahab a goblin 1 legged pirate who might be out for some fine whale oil.

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What if the tauren is white furred.

And their whale form is White.

Would Captain Ahab be in for it?

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One day maybe and maybe, that day could be near.

Give Worgen Tails.

:heart: :wolf:


like a lovely story :pleading_face:


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Also noteworthy that there are pretty much no major Worgen characters who are female. There’s a number of one-off characters, but no one who really seems like a big name.

The closest there are to major female Worgen characters are basically Fiona and Celestine of the Harvest and only because they’ve actually appeared in multiple expansions, and even then they aren’t overly notable characters and are often quickly forgotten about once their cameo-style appearances are made. Then you have Lieutenant Thorn, who was forgotten the instant WoD ended.

They should do more with Celestine of the Harvest besides cameo appearances and bring back Lieutenant Thorn and make her a major character who gets fleshed out a bit.


The problem is still the same:
As long as there’s not a writer interested to work on the worgens, it will be difficult to have any new big character for our race.

Until now, it’s true that Genn was used a lot in Legion and BfA but rarely with the screentime we need to develop the race.

Take mechagon: With this island and in a single patch, the gnomes got a good heritage armor with a good storyline, an allied race.
On top of that with the latter, the gnomes actually got a knew kingdom.

Why not the same for the worgens?


Speaking of Celestine of the Harvest… give worgens a normal voice! The chain smoker voice is ultra distracting.

Hopefully returning back to 10.0 will give worgens a bigger picture to play in, seeing as when we return, it may possibly end up being a Alliance based expansion, and we’ll get to see the dynamic between Turelyon and Genn as they were leading while we were gone.


Idk why people seem to think 10.0 is next… we still got a lunatic on the loose with Anduin on a leash we need to stop before we enter a new expansion. As for what the next expansion may be, yeah I could see it being one that involves the alliance a fair bit. Worgen getting perhaps a lot of attention, maybe Genn fending off a crazed Turalyon who maybe got taken over by the light and going all Yrel not wanting to give up stormwind. Alleria wondering what’s going on or idk something going crazy but yeah the alliance being the focal point of stuff for sure. I mean they can’t have the horde be the bad guys again as hey we don’t got a king or a warchief no more we got a council full of peace loving people. If anything… two things I could expect… alliance having issues we need to resolve and hopefully worgen finally having tails and Genn being a badass while Anduin’s away

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