Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They would be so awesome then! :smiley:

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All of the tail! Big tails, small tails, fluffy tails, rough tails, no tails, stub tails.
Can have so many different types of tails as a canine. :smiley:
Give us all of the tails Blizzard!
I’m rooting for a rough bushy looking tail that wolves usually have out in the wild.





Yes and it’d be nice during arena championships to see more races than just humans, orcs, night elves, and undead. cough racial balancing needed

Give worgen to the Horde.

What self respecting Worgen would join those butchers?

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Vengeance for Gilneas! Destruction to the forsaken in the name of Liam Greymane!


i feel like putting in a ticket asking about that mod, just to get some worgen tails going…


They are very much aware of the mods. I even asked in the past myself about it since I was suspended, and then got the suspension removed a day later, along with a huge chunk of players that were using it. It was a 6 month suspension, and they just said you know what, let’s remove the suspension for all the players that were using the texture mods and just leave the ones that were using it to abuse and cheat in bgs suspended. What you take of that is up to you to decide on their stance with texture mods.

What we don’t know is IF they are planning on adding tails or not. My theory is that they are, considering we’ve gotten plenty enough tailed worgens to warm up the player base to the idea of tailed worgen options. Only time will tell.


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For the love of 6470 posts can we get these worgen some tails???


Please no. I look stupid enough already because gear doesn’t fit right just because I didn’t want to play a boring human, one of the shorties, a space goat, a panda or an elf.

That’s why we’re asking for OPTIONAL tail. Much like how you had to go to the barber shop to get your straight backs orc or boneless undeads, you have to do the same when they add in a tail. :smiley:
You can still run around tailess!

I will say yeah, they REALLY need to fix the helmets on worgens. They always look goofy on us 90% of the time.



I think that’s an inevitable consequence of how your heads are shaped. Same as Tauren

Tail denied!

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Don’t you start Grand.

Optional tails for Worgen won’t affect you.

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And why should worgen, who is warewolves, need tails? Doesn’t fit the furry bill?

Joking btw, I could care less if they do or not get tails. Though I do have a fear they might get memed afterwards.

First, werewolves often do have tails.
Second, most furrys also have tails.
Third, this isn’t about furrys. Folk just want tail options and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Who cares if they get memed?

Hell we already are.


this is 100% about them lol!

Everybody that is tired of furry memes. Don’t need another vulpera meme but with alliance worgen.

My female DK would look so cool with a tail :’(
My male rogue would also look good with one, black fur, and straight posture.

Let’s make it happen! :wolf:


Don’t tell the Horde that if they stop whining about Worgen getting tails, they may reduce the amount of Vulpera infesting Orgrimmar.