Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

need tail plox


Any update on tails in today’s beta patch?

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Wolfie here. Still nothing. I am livid about this. I think it’s time I make another video.


Customizing Worgen crashes you to login again… Le Sigh…


crashing this thread to bump it, give more love


So… Tails.



Braided? :smiley:


I assume we won’t get any more customization for a while :< But I really hope worgen tails will be available soon!

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Little bits are trickling in here and there… human eyebrows for male, then female 2 weeks after, the LF draenei eye glow change, and this week, the new dark brown hair for humans.
They’re still working on it!


Would be nice to see a slider for various lengths like female draenei are getting. Tailthickness as well, some will want full on poofy I am sure. I can also see male and female going braided. Male druids mostly, but more so female worgens.

All the other races getting these new sliders for everything, I don’t see why not with worgen. At minimum there should just be a toggle on / off available. Standard length, thickness, matches fur color. I would be happy with just that.


Has there even been jack all from Blizz on Worgen tails or are they just ignoring it?

There hasn’t been anything, but with Blizzard that really isn’t saying much.

Yes they have been more communicative on things for this expansion, but historically Blizzard has gone out of their way to hide/conceal upcoming things.

Such as the halloween masks that first revealed that Worgen & Goblins are going to be the next playable races, since at that time only playable races had halloween masks, and then their attempt to cover it by then releasing a bunch of non-playable masks to say ‘no those masks didn’t mean those were coming despite all masks to that point were only of playable races’.

Or their extreme reaction to the ‘tameable worgen’ that hunters briefly had in Wrath, where historically if hunters somehow tame a pet Blizzard hadn’t meant to be tameable they just fix it to be untameable and let them keep the pet (Ghost Hydras awhile ago for instance), but this one pet they very quickly nerfed to be unusable (couldn’t be fed, back when pets still had happiness) and couldn’t use any pet abilities, and its health so it just had autoattack, and then when people were still keeping it in the stable, went and changed it to be just a regular wolf.

Or despite the fact before BFA was even launched Vulpera already had basically player ready model and animations (it had swim backward animation with cape geoset, with the tail fully animated, so not just the goblin skeleton/animation copied over), but had blue posts saying ‘oh no that is just how we are doing all npc’s now, with full player model ready everything’

Anyhow, ramble aside, Blizzard has a well known history of not commenting on, or actively making up stuff to hide, upcoming things, so no comment doesn’t mean no tails

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That very reason is why I’m 100% confident they will give worgen tails this expansion.

We’ve had the board game with the worgen on the cover that has a tail.
A official hearthstone card that has a worgen with a tail, which btw, is the same game that revealed us N’zoths design before we even knew how he looked like in game.
Genns one skin in hero of the storm that has a tail on it.
As of recently, the tail skeleton on the worgen model, along with the most recent hole that came out completely out of no where in the beta a couple weeks back.
Way too many different things that point towards worgens getting tails this expansion.



Tails. Yes. Please.


This is because the concept of worgen with tails is something so natural in the imaginary of people that they conceive the tail immediately, as something obviously belonging to the worgen and werewolves in general.

And something that makes them complete, whole and hamonios with the concept of wolf man.

send paw pics

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Braided only in they can have flowers in them.

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Give worgen tails.


Definitely in support of this for those that want it. <3

I would love to see lore like Goldrinn offers the Worgen a choice of losing the ability to take human form to embrace the aspect of the wolf. But we are talking about Worgen the race that for 10 years was ignored and suffered. The only race in the game to not get a racial redo when every other race in the game did. And why? Cause hardly anyone was playing Worgen… Now why was that? Oh ya the 10 years of the second worst model in the game. Its a cause and effect thing and Blizzard isnt going to take the time to give us lore for a race they hardly spend any time on. Just look at the HA quest line if you want a good example of how little Blizzard puts into Worgen.


I think they hear us. If it doesn’t happen, it will be because of a very firm art director decision or something.
Really no advantage to that, though. I think we’ll see tails in 9.1.
If that doesn’t happen, i’ll begin to grieve.