Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

If vulpera can shake dat tail at the dance party, so should worgens.

Given worgen tails.


Cā€™mon Blizzard.




Cā€™mon Blizzard!


Oh wow, a Worgen Tail Thread!

I like this Worgen Tail Thread.

So allow me to post in support of this Worgen Tail Thread.

Give Worgen Tails.


This is very hypocritical, since orcs should have a hunchback as in the classic, to maintain ā€œthe visual lore of the raceā€.

And Goldrinn have a tail.
Worgen are inspired by Goldrinn.
in fact, you just arrived late in this conversation and missed that same argument being sent to the trash.


Give Worgen thicker arms.

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To hold you with?


I like the tail on the thick red panda ladies.Worgen women and men need tails.


The big thing about an optional tail is if animated correctly it can help display emotion better. For some reason Blizzard seems to hate the fact they have more than confirmed Worgen are 8 feet tall in Worgen form yet in game they are only 6 feet 10 inches tall. Part of what is wrong with Worgen is they are missing this size difference that helps convey the more monstrous side to them. Adding a tail option to Worgen will not only help with the looks of the model but could be animated to match the mood and would give Worgen more character. Right now the only thing we do is sniff the air every 12 or so seconds. As someone who owned a North American Timber wolf/Siberian Husky mix for 16 years (Wolf Dog) I can tell you they donā€™t sniff the air that much. They will take in new smells when they first find them but every 12 secondsā€¦ They dont do that.

Blizzard has a chance here to redeem 10 years of a model that looked very and I do mean very not AAA title game. Some people complain that now Worgen are a Disney princess lookā€¦ Errrr last I checked ā€¦ Nope. What Blizzard did with the new model was make it look more wolf like and fix a number of glaring issues such as the bulging eyes, the Chihuahua style nose and muzzle, the stupid and impossible perma snarl, they also reduced the bust line and straightened out the model some so they no longer looked a few months pregnant. There are still many glaring issues with the Worgen model but a step in the right direction was taken forward when they changed the female models. We need to keep this going as our HA quest and armor look feels like a step backwards. Blizzard could really show they care by listening to our requests for an option here. And if not the tail at least make Worgen the correct size so the we see the more monstrous side to the race. Being the same size as all the other tall Alliance races just makes them look more of the same. A cute pup rather than a vicious monster who could tear you to shreds with fangs and claws.


Wags his tauren tail

Hey Worgens, look at this :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

How dare you! Lemme get in on that tail action for my wolf :frowning:


But you donā€™t have it yet

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Iā€™ll take yours.


Eh you know what, /signed. If panda ladies can get an optional cosmetic tail thatā€™s just there for the sake of being there I donā€™t see why the same canā€™t be done for worgen.


Iā€™m down.


When blizzard


Worgen currently have the least new character creation updates on beta right now-itā€™s essentially some new fur colors, eye colors, and splitting the beard/ear options for males. It is true males got a night elf worgen ear option, which is cool. But basically that is it.

I expect weā€™ll see more coming before release. Sincerely, iā€™m not sure what else there could be added other than things like tails. I hope for a posture option for males, but that would require a lot of new rigging and helm work.
Iā€™d be content if just their standing idle animation was updated to be upright, as it would make sense for them to lean forward while fighting or running.

Anyway, the human options are great, but thatā€™s not for worgen.

We need to see new worgen options, and a tail is an obvious choice!


I have considered this! What I came up with:

  • Tail
  • Jewelry
  • Snout
  • Mane color
  • Antlers (druid only - I think all druids should have this checkbox/dropdown)
  • Tattoos, or whatever you want to call them, I think it was the worgen guards at the Garrison that had markings shaved into their fur.

Great ideas!

I would love it if they separated mane color, so the hair color option actually mattered (with the human form split, do worgen even have that anymore??), and some snout adjustments would be amazing.

Iā€™d love to see more ear options for female worgen that werenā€™t spindly, twisted, domestic dog-looking, rat/bat-like, etc.
There is another thread with a good mockup, showing how the female worgenā€™s ears are too low on the head, iā€™d love to see some ear options with them higher up on their heads so they look more like wolves.

Jewelry seems like itā€™s likely, personally. Though probably not with as much piercings as some of the other races.
The tattoo thing, i would have wanted, but they seem culturally less likely than most to have them. But it would be cool. More options is always a plus!

Most of all, though- give worgen tails!