Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Because they simply realized it would make sense. You are talking about two pandas mating to make a new panda with Gene’s from both.

When worgen do that they make a human.

So in a fantasy world of magic, it would not make sense for Worgen to have tails?

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Where are the tails.


PLEASE Blizz give worgen the option of having tails! (Tail lengths could work too!)


Guess it’s time for my worgen to start chatting up some pandas so we can get our tails.

Did I say that? No I stated how the panda tail thing does make sense and can work. Opposed to the current worgen curse makes for no tails.

That would just be a hairy Kul’tiran with a tail. Also slightly smaller then the average Kultiran.

Give DHs tails

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My worgen isn’t kul tiran. And a tail is a tail. I’ll just reinfect my offspring with the worgen curse, and hair will sprout on it like god intended.

Your worgen is Gilneaen. Look up where they came from. You’ll see Kul’tirans history.

They would already be hairy as they are half pandas

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Worgen should be much taller than Kul Tiran anyway. Lore wise Worgen are 8 feet tall. In game they are 6 foot 10 inches. But right now this thread is about tails. And how they should be optional.


Cool, so then elves are actually trolls then. Guys, you have to stop calling your night elves elves, this guy said so.

Uh no. Trolls and night elfs took thousands of years to change. kul’Tiran and Gilnean are maybe 100s of years different hence why we have kultiran that look exactly like mainland humans.

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You have weird replies. Is that what you do when you dont have an argument?

If you don’t know the meaning of something, you can always look it up to become enlightened.


Except that doesnt make sense in thos this context. Youd become a more round human. Youd be just looking like a kultiran where they came from. They would still have a bloodline in Kultiras. Gilneaen are Kultirans.

It makes plenty of sense. You’ve stated why you’re wrong yourself, you just haven’t actually seen it yet. So close, but so far away. A selfawarewolf.

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hip bump thread bump awyis

give us tails already


I am suffering from phantom tail syndrome… must have real tail to alleviate withdrawals…


Give worgen tails.