Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails


Give my husband his tail back


Raises Pitchfork




A massive army of bloodthirsty Worgens marches on Blizzard’s headquarters with pitchforks


Where is the harm is giving an option to have a tail? Come on blizz. Do eeeeeeeeeeeeeet!


Grozah, you’re simply incorrect.

What is your source on this idea that if it looks like a wolf, but has no tail, it is a werewolf?
There are a large number of people who disagree with you, and know this to not be a thing. I’m curious where you get this idea.

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Truly an excellent story. I laughed, I cried, and I hunger for more.

And now I shall review your work.

The introduction of “once upon a time” is a timeless classic, and a starter that you simply can’t go wrong with. The way you’ve begun your story catches the reader’s attention and makes them salivate for what’s to come, and it doesn’t dissapoint.
When we arrive in the body of your story, we are met with timeless, lovable and engaging characters, namely our worgen hero, and though while something of a silent protagonist within the story’s setting, I still felt immersed and connected with the character.
it’s about this time in your writing where things seem to get away from us, having built up the reader’s expectations and hopes with strong hooks and our wonderfully appealing characters, but as we reach the rear end, there’s simply nothing there!

If only you’d worked more on the tail end, it would’ve been spectacular! However, i still commend your efforts and implore you to continue your endeavours.
Give worgen story tails.


Raedolf, I’m glad you were able to find some old images of werewolves from some German and Italian artists. Those are legitimately cool.

But the argument isn’t whether worgen MUST have tails, it’s if they could if players wanted them. There is plenty of basis for the tail-option argument.

If someone on this thread were trying to assert that a tail-less option should be removed, i would side with you in defending tailless worgen options with some examples of old art.

But there’s more to the concept of werewolves than just renaissance-era european depictions, around the globe and much older than the 1500s. And i think you know that, and i’m concerned you’re not arguing in good faith.

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i need something to wag!


Thank god humor still exists in the world, along with those who appreciate it. ^^


As I said, there’s plenty of depictions of all kinds of “werewolves”. I found quite a few of Le Bete Du Gevudaun, and other wolves. And even the dog-headed men in the writings of Marco Polo, the Cynocephali, who are described to “possibly have tails”.

But HERE’S a question. Let me ask you this. There are werewolves with and without tails throughout pop culture. Give me a source where a single fandom has both. You are asking for WoW to stick tails on their worgen. Give me an example of where that has been done before. Who else has spontaneously grown a tail? Even Underworld’s Lycans do not grow one, they lose one.

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To be fair, Underworld’s werewolves looked like poop in my opinion. I know, that’s an unpopular one. They got better later on in the series but I still did not like them.

Hugh Jackman’s werewolf in Hellsing was almost perfect. He just needed a tail :wink:

That aside, that particular werewolf model has been unmatched in how good it is with present day media. Everything about the head structure… chef’s kiss

Also, Werewolf the Apocalypse (Not the game I just linked, just the general RPG) I believe actually does have a mix of werewolves with and without tails. It’s been a long time so my memory is fuzzy on that topic.


Van Helsing is one of my favorites, I have it on DVD and googleplay lol

Werewolf the Apocalypse is similar to Underworld (who is just a well done rip off) in that the original Garou have tails. But that if a garou inbreeds with a garou, they might produce a mutant: a Metis. Usually a werewolf that is albino, has horns or hooves like a prey animal, is missing an arm, or has no tail, etc. Again, its tailed werewolves losing a tail, not gaining one. And sadly that lore doesnt work, if we believe that worgen have human offspring.

To give Underworld it’s due, the reason why the lycans look like that is because they’re essentially watered down. In the second movie, you find out one of main brothers is the prime floof and looks more like how werewolves traditionally look

After 10 years with a permasnarl and an uglier female model that scythe fight in the dark, we are finally having many improvements.

He is tall and not stooped. And he has a defined chest, he is not hunchbacked and can wear a shirt, tabard, whatever, without being deformed in the chest area.

Yes, it is! A tail, IMHO, would have made our Van Helsing look more feral.

Give Worgen a optional Tail


A worgen without a Tail is like a Worgen without their Teeth.


it’s in the number of bones

Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We’ve always understood

Now we are not afraid
Although we know there’s much to fear
Blizz is working on our doggos
More options coming soon… (trademark)

There can be miracles
When you believe
We need our tails
It’s hard to stand

Who knows what miracles
Blizz can achieve
Please give us tails, that’s our demand!
You will when you believe

For those who don’t know the song reference:

Give worgen Eggman.

Exactly. In the prequel, Rise of the Lycans, we find out even more. There were werewolves in the day, that looked exactly like William Corvinus. Lycanthropic creatures with tails, and no humanity. One female begot what appeared to be a human child; the first Lycan, Lucian. Lycanthropes with no tail, and able to transform. The vampires saw Lucian as a potential beginning of the perfect slave race, raised him, and had him spread his watered down - and thus controllable - lycanthropy to other slaves.

Lucian himself falls in love with Victor’s daughter, escapes, and rallies both the werewolves and the lycans against the vampires to save her, marking the beginning of the Lycan-Vampire war. By the time of the events of Underworld 1 and 2, the true werewolves have been exterminated, with William Corvinus locked in a crypt “for all eternity”.

They also never had a vampire werewolf hybrid till the underworld story and yet it happened and things changed so why not allow a Worgen tail option and see who chooses to use it?