Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You know, my Horde main is usually one of my trolls (unless it’s my orc death knight), and I don’t want to hear it

Also this is Sledgehammer. I had a busy week, so tauren heritage armor didn’t happen. I briefly considered flopping my orc death knight because I did all the reps on her back when the Argent Tournament came out (gruntling with a pony was needed), but I resisted.

I doubt it, it would leave a plot hole of valen’s prophecy if they killed him off.

Why are we trying to make Void elves not look like Void elves?

No Blizzard, don’t do it. More hair options maybe and a few hair colors that fit VOID.

Velen also thought putting Yrel in charge was a good idea.

alternate valen yeah, but we also know that WoD story is a shambling mess. It was obvious they wanted to go a different direction with it.

We also got more details of the Sight in BFA from Zul and it’s not an exact science. Just because Velen made a prophecy doesn’t mean it’ll definitely come true as he saw it.

True, but it is still too early to kill off anduin, specially since he has been here since the beginning along with thrall.

Jaina is too old plus She’s his Aunt. So like what the heck?

Like Cairne, Vol’jin, Saurfang, Sylvanas, Varimathras, Kael’thas and Nathanos?

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I’m honestly never going to be over Vol’jin. He literally got bodied because he was too sane for the plot.

Though a lot of the dubious BC storylines deserve more explanation than “wouldn’t it be cool to punch these guys”.


I’ll never get over Cairne getting kil’t off-screen and Kael getting randomly villain batted. Also Thrall not being allowed to be Warchief.

Thrall is the Warchief, even if he’s not the Warchief. Get over it Blizzard, hire a new voice actor if Metzen won’t play ball.


It was though.

Yes, hire this guy

“Alleria Windrunner”. Look at her hair lol.

Also look at human hair options. Both human and blood elves share same and similar hairstyles.

I’m not sure if void elves should have natural hair color, but I wouldn’t mind it.

Like others have been saying, since BC we have had High elves in alliance.

It be nice if Blizzard gave void elves options like how thier faction leader has and or just add neutral highelves (like we had pandaren) for both factions. idk if these are good ideas.

tbh I’m not too wild that blizz gave us void elves since some alliance wanted high elves, but we’re here already.



Blood Elves are High Elves, why should Horde have a core race tampered with just to please you and others who have shown even with what they’ve done for VEs isn’t enough for them?

Why would all of a sudden that make a race like neutral Pandaren?

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The bastardisation of Thrall’s character because of Metzen’s absence is one of the great Horde tragedies. Thrall is the Warchief.


I never said my ideas were good. I just throw them around.

Dont feel bad. You arent wrong as several players have noted the same thing.

Alliance actually had HE NPCs all the way back in vanilla though. Like when it launched.

And you are right about Alleria!


Yeah i think that fits well, no reason to not have a variety of looks for void elves, or sub-race helves. We’re all Alleria’s children in the end.


She’s one elf while the rest look like blueberries.

Why should we focus on one character rather than expand the options for the rest?

We have the skin tones, hair color isn’t necessary for RP.

We should expand void options.