Give us unarmored mounts please

I would rather you guys implement the OG mounts later on and have them available PERIOD than not implement them at all. I dont know what your reasoning is for not including them… but I honestly think its harmless to let people who want the mounts to acquire them.

Also just a side note… these mounts were not removed because they were prestigious… they were removed in the same way that the old deadmines/SFK/SM were removed and replaced. The prestige of the mounts came from them being removed in the first place and no longer being available.


Yeah, they “upgraded” them because they thought the armor looked better. Scarcity is the only reason for their popularity.

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Yeah I liked the unarmored more personally and I don’t get why these aren’t being included


Scarcity is the only reason for their popularity

Frankly, I dont care about whether the unarmored mounts are rare or are as dime a dozen as rogue players. I think the Ivory Raptor looks better than the armored mounts on offer, and many people will agree.

Scarcity may be why people have heard about them, but if they looked terrible, then ultimately people wouldnt give a damn.

These dont look bad at all, though. The colors offered by these unarmored epic mounts look really nice. The Palomino, the White Stallion, the Nightsaber and Frostsaber, the Black Ram, the Ivory Raptor, the White Mechanostrider, and the Arctic Wolf spring to mind for me.

Yeah, I get that there’s a pattern here. White and black. But the armored mounts dont offer these colors at all, and the few that do just cover it all up with armor anyway. In the case of the mechanostriders, the armored mounts use a completely different one-eyed model which just looks really bad imo.


It’s more arrogance from Blizzard claiming they know what’s best despite what the playerbase is asking for. It would take the same amount of effort to have armored versus unarmored mounts. They just as usual refuse to admit they’re wrong.


It is a huge let down… you know you would think that since Vanilla is going to now be “Permanent” that they would seize this opportunity to divulge from their war path of “deleting content”… but no… if this passes… we will never see those mounts again or have the opportunity to utilize that content. This will always be in the back of my mind. Honestly I might grind the Winterspring Trainers just so I can have an unarmored version of anything.


Why is it alright to race through leveling in order to start gearing up for raiding or pvp, but it’s wrong to do it for a mount? Removing them isn’t going to affect 90% of the people who want to get to max level quickly anyway.

These mounts are important to a lot of people. Getting one isn’t just about “rushing”, it’s about having a goal you’re exited about. The most fun I’ve ever had in this game was when I planned out a route to do every IF rep quest there was. It took me on adventures all across Azeroth and it was probably the most inconvenient leveling route imaginable. That’s not rushing through content, that’s experiencing it.


Why remove them in the first place? They should never have been removed.

Put them in, and keep them in.

No ones immersion is going to be broken if they see someone riding an unarmored mount. It does not go against the spirit of classic to allow these mounts throughout the entirety of the game because some people stockpiled them and sold them later on once they were removed for inflated prices.

Why… All I want is clarification and a legitimate reason why they are not being added…

People shouldn’t have to rush leveling so they can acquire a mount that is going to be removed AGAIN in some vain attempt to recapture the spirit of 2005… they shouldn’t have been removed in the first place.

Blizzard, fix your past mistakes… please re implement the original swift mounts and keep them in the game for the entirety of its life.


They should at the very least make them permanent and let people choose armored or unarmored if their stupid excuse is “people rushing to 60” so stupid man… That excuse doesn’t hold at all.


I’ve been in this situation many times before with transmog… blizzard always holds a death grip on random things that you’d think they would just let go or let fly. NO you cant have the unarmored mounts we removed in patch 1.4 BECAUSE REASONS… its like what? why? why are you removing content from your game lmao


If people speak loud enough there is no reason why they wouldn’t change their mind. But I don’t see almost any threads on this matter… people really don’t care?

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Bump! We need to force this into people’s faces

I have posted a thread in the hopes of organizing all of the people who support adding the unarmored mounts, please take the time to post your thoughts there so we can have a better chance at being heard.

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For anyone unaware I highly encourage you to check out the Unarmored Mounts Megathread on this issue. A change .org petition has recently started up on this issue and is at the top of the forum over there at the time of writing this there are currently 111 signatures.

Whatever form implementing the unarmored mounts in Classic takes I support, whether that be temporarily or permanent.

Obtaining 1 or more of these mounts in Classic was the first prestigious moment I wanted to experience, without them I have no incentive to begin playing at launch.

These mounts were originally in Vanillas history for about 5.5 months. The decision to not include these mounts is a slippery slope. What will happen to events that were in the game for shorter time spans with this mentality (AQ opening, AQ black bug mount, Scourge Invasion, etc)?

I feel the argument for it affecting players play-styles is not strong either. The honor ranking system is much more intensive of players to attain, and speed levelers will exist regardless. Speed levelers race to level cap for various reasons but one of them is to capitalize on gathering nodes and the economy, which I feel could be more impactful to players than including these mounts are. There is no way to stop speed leveling or tell players the play-styles they should and should not find fun.

Many argue this is how it was in 1.12 and while true the mounts did not exist in game at that time, we are also not receiving 1.12 at launch. Blizzard is time gating content, items, vendor tables, etc to recreate a progressive Vanilla experience. Why are these mounts the only thing being excluded from a progressive vendor table?

I think these mounts should be viewed as an exclusive event in Vanilla’s history much like the AQ opening event, and Scourge Invasion event and be offered in game for the players of that time to experience once again.

Make sure to spread awareness of this issue, many players do not know these mounts are being excluded from the game because the old riding system is being implemented. They should be informed before it is too late so they have an opportunity to voice their opinion.

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The original Unarmored Mount Megathread was deleted I have created a new one for us to use at:


bump because blizzard is trying to silence our voices about this . clearly.