Give us the option for NON boomkin form

It would be great if druids looked like this.

Honestly don’t see why people wanna play a shape shifter class but not use the shapes. Boggles the mind. You can’t have one without the other if you play that class
Same with shadow priests. That said

Bring back treant form for resto druids. I know there’s a version from a book but it doesn’t enhance healing like it used to.

Wicker Form for KT Druids pls!

This is the main reason I don’t play boomy

You take that back

Personally I’m on the side of more options, and since there is already a way to not be a dinokin or boomkin why not. Not like we see Malfurion having to turn into more of a chicken to cast spells.

As for the resto form, unless they update that graphic and give each race their own thematic flavor of tree it can stay an optional does nothing form.

Night Elf : Keep the Trent Look
Worgen : Weeping Willow
Zanda : Mangrove Tree
Dark Spear : Palm Tree
High Mountain Tauren : Pine Tree
Tauren : Acacia Tree
Kul’tiran : Wicker Trent

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This is blizz, you’d be lucky to get different colors.

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I miss the resto druid tree form, it was fun setting it on fire

Eh they’ve been letting druids have racially different forms so if they did make it mandatory again it wouldn’t be far fetched.

It would be nice if we had more Moonkin options. I have always wanted to look like the blue and white Moonkins in Winterspring.

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