Give us TBC!

If it is so awesome why doesnt everyone go play that private server?

you nostalgia addicts need to stop theres a reason you’re a minority on wanting older versions to comeback

No, and anytime you use the words minority/majority you’re automatically wrong. No matter what unless it’s all majority breathe air, minority drink sulphuric acid. Never post again.

  • Didn’t play WOTLK because it didn’t have RDF
  • Didn’t play WOTLK with RDF
  • Isn’t playing Cata with RDF
  • Wants TBC with RDF

You’re just not going to play it

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TBC-era server would be great.

The game went downhill for me and many others the day WotLK launched which hides a lot of crappy decline with an iconic story. Beyond that it is super lame story and the game becomes tailored to filthy casuals and Uber raider try harders with not much of a middle.

I would accept dual spec and maybe RDF. The game is fine without them but these two seem to be something that would boost interest from people bad with money and no friends. Wait

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no its just you coping for a version that was already given, if they had a TBC with improved systems now we’re talking but you expecting the same ole same ole, Theres private servers full of coping players like you

Stop posting until you answer this question, why would you not want to be able to play fresh of all versions? Why would a company allow private company’s to take their money? Eveything you’re writing is silly. Think, then post.


Getting this company to do permanent wrath classic and permanent bc era servers would be the most amazing thing ever.

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think then post? idk what you think whatever you’re typing is called thinking, Private servers have been around since the beginning. Theres ways for you to have your TBC and WotLK, No one cares to play older versions if they arent gonna be improved on :person_shrugging: and if that isnt the case they’ll play and move on along with the updates

I don’t know why I argue with wall paper, it always ends like this.

I’m the dumber one for engaging you, can’t help myself.

not my problem you have a concaved skull

TBC was good but raiding was meh.

Make totems and lust raid wide.

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Because they dont know about it. And they also dont like TBC enough to go look for it. I do like TBC. Its the best expansion ever done. Thats why i plqy there. It corrected most of the mistakes that vanilla had. Its only badside was not having Rdf and dual spec. But the server im on now does. And it is amazing

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TBC was def the best expansion of all time.


WE DEMAND TBC Classic (The Burning Crusade Classic Era) ERA


I can see it now.

Paladin healer, 4 warriors.


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It’s what you get for responding to an Undead Body Type 1 avatar

I’ve played tbc twice already and it was only fun the day of launch and wrath prepatch

It’s middd

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TBC was almost good. Should have added more quests to older zones besides just one zone.

It was the beginning of throwing away everything in the past away for the new shinys in new zones. And that cycle has continued to this day. Most of retail WoW is just an abandoned junkyard because of this.

Cata was their only attempt of world building and changes. And that was poorly recieved by idiots who hate change and want a stagnant world.

You are not in a position to demand anything you entitled scrub.