Give us OLD AV

I was there too. I hope you take it to heart when I say, yeah I do want it.

An hour in queue is fine. If you want fast queues, do the other 2 BGs. If the rewards are “crap” in your opinion, why do you even care about the subject? A free epic mount is “crap”? Epics are “crap”?

Lastly, if blizzard insists on doing cross realm BGs, then your whole queue wait argument is moot.

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You can make this argument for all kinds of things: lfr, lfd, flying, every convenience imaginable. The only difference is, of course, AV was watered down and neutered by 1.12. So it’s still authentic Vanilla.

That doesn’t make it the right choice for Classic though, because…it isn’t. What Classic should strive for is offering something different from Current WoW. And 1.12 AV is the most easily zergable time in the battleground’s existence. You don’t even have to take down towers or bunkers. There’s no stacking buff, and the mobs associated with those towers aren’t aggro attached to Drek and Vann. So you can pull them, pull him, reset them and take just him.

Even TBC fixed those things with the stacking buff and linking aggro. So while it added resources it actually become MUCH harder to zerg compared to 1.12. We’re getting literally the easiest version of AV ever. It’s a damn shame. 1.5-1.7 AV would have been truly epic and offer something very few got to experience. Something radically different from what players can experience anywhere right now.


So we’re getting the worst version of AV in WoW’s history. Nice. So much for “authentic classic experience”.

Good job Activision, continue that 15 year cycle of ruining every game you’ve ever made.


I’ve played it for years on p servers. It’s exactly what i want.

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I seem to recall a certain Blizzard employee saying something similar to re-releasing Classic (and other expansion based servers.) Yet, here we are with Classic and it’s booming.

I was there too. I recall seeing so many players waiting in Org it made my pc almost fry itself. It was a literal sea of text on my screen of people wanting to do it.

It was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed it. So speak only for yourself man.


I don’t even care if they have the 1.12 version in game. Just give us an option to play OLD AV as well and let the playerbase decide which is better.

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