Give us more Confounding Antique Cypher


Would be cool if you increased the amount of Confounding Antique Cyphers you get per boss (or give some with weekly vault or such). You can get one of these per boss kill and if you full reclear of mythic it takes a minimum of 2 weeks to get 20. In most guilds you’re likely to not be in for each and every boss so you’ll maybe get one of these items every 3 weeks.

Most people are very well geared now so I think it’s reasonable to make it easier to make these items to get alts geared or catchup in this season.

Nerf the inital Dinar quest to 20 boss kills or something aswell

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Yep, I remember them mentioning the quest requirements would be reduced at some point, but it feels like we’re running out of time (if they’re still gunning for a 2022 release).