Give me back my in bag hearthstones

OMG that is an amazing macro!! Thank you!

Most people also don’t use all eight because all you’d have on your screen is bars. People also often don’t know that the default action bar can be flipped to two and three etc empty bars at will. So they click hearthstones in their bags.

Then there are others like me who don’t use macros because I don’t like them. I don’t wanna write the UI code for a game I’m paying to play and it’s also confusing. I’ve been here for
a minute. I know macros are a part of the UI and that’s intentional and encouraged. I’ve known that since 2009. And that’s great for people who are into that as long as the default UI provides a way for me to do the things I need to do without having to write the code and choose an icon every time cool. Cause I’ve tried it and every time it reminds me that the UI is basically unfinished and they don’t care that we know that and expect us to fill in the gaps. I avoid situations that make my mind go negative towards this compsny especially these days because they used up all their good will a long time ago. It’s why I’m not doing time rifts right now even though I’d really love to. Last two times I coukdnt even get in to fight the last boss though so I walked away from it.

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free up an extra 2 slot of your bag space/bank space. So not pointless. Just to show GD will complain about everything and anything. This is why we can’t have nice things

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Agreed. Just like the people complaining about “Crafted by” being removed from crafted items.

Don’t forget the “take away all my racials for my rp” Void elves

And the "I rolled a dragon caster but why does my dragon have to be a dragon?’ folks as well

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Addon: Flyout Button Custom.
Enjoy infinite bar space.

i do. :smiley: always fun

I’ve never heard of this one and I am very pro addon. Is it easy? Intuitive?

i only want the four action bars, this is just the class i’m on atm, i don’t have much space on any character

i don’t want to put hearthstones on my bars is all. i get that some people are happy- im not asking to revert the change, i’d just have liked it better if they made it optional instead of mandatory to use them as toys

sorry to everyone that is bothered by that :slight_smile:

I’m not bothered. I do understand. I can empathize so easily. Why? Tuesday I had spend around 15k gold to get back demon appearances that I had on Monday.


It just creates flyouts (like mage portals, rogue poisons) on ANY button.
After checking here, it’s outdated, I had to apply some fixes myself to the LUA code.

As for usability it’s very easy to use.

There should be other addons that do the same thing and are still maintained, like FloFlyout

I’ll check into it because along with everything above I also have an admirals compass, a teleport to karabor and bladespire citadel. I have s lot of toys and items to move myself around pretty easily eithout having to be an engineer and I don’t know what to do with all of them at this point because they’re all useful

Ring bound hourglass, cartel xy’s necklace. The list goes on and on.

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That’s where the addon comes in handy.
I use only a single button on the side action bar for all professions, another for teleports, another for my favorite mounts etc.


Oh right mountd too. I have over five hundred but only use three. Where do I put? Time to find an addon

if for some reason you remember this thread whenever the addon starts working, just let me know ha. i could put up with buttons on the side if they’re condensed like that

Learn them on one character and leave the others in your bag on your other characters.

All mine are still clickable on my alts.

Prior to the toy update, did people really click them from their bag?
When garrison hearth was added
 added to hot bar. Legion dal hearth
 on the hot bar since legion

Even on my most button bloated characters, I still have room for 3 hearths, my 3-4 prof icons.
Vendor mount, DR mount, small ground mount (for small spaces), regular flying mount, swimming mount
 1-5 other cosmetic mounts cus why not. A few of my most used toys

So my question is, what are you wasting so much space on that you don’t have room for 3 hearths?
My dk for example has all the above AND as an engineer, I have every xpacs wormhole on my bar + mailbox + jeeves :joy:

It almost works fine, I just had to edit a single XML file that was generating some errors.

The addon is this one:

The fix is editing a single file and removing all references to a single parameter (change=-1). On the Glow.xml file on the libs\Glow folder.

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mine are not

as far as the rest of your post, scroll up

thanks dog

Tbh could have quoted it. Scrolling through 38 posts for full context is meh.

Add the 2 sides bars for utility.

  • imgur. com/L3YaeTc
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