Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

And we shall call it “Trashmourne”


That is the result of letting the goblins do it, they cut corners, use cheap plastics just to save a few pieces of gold only to end up with a mattel toy.

But it wouldn’t be Frostmourne like you said, it would only be the appearance of it. It would be a newly forged weapon and there would be zero reason to restrict it other than “well originally Arthas wielded the thing that looks like this sooooo”

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The Frostmourne appearance should be DK specific only since it’s iconic to death knights. If they let anyone have Ashbringer, Azzinoth, or other class appearances available to every class then fine. But if not make it DK specific.


No its not - its iconic to the Lich King. Dk’s already have their artifact appearence to them specifically from destroying it - Dk’s get their own runeblade - thats whhats unique to DK. Pallies have Ashbringer from their artifact weapon. Warriors got some unheard of 2h weapon that was used to pin down some guy and it fears Trolls (handy to use it in ToT on remix!)

Either open up a frostmourne blade to all classes dont - dont make it DK specific tho. In fact why not make a replica Lich King armor set too and give it to all plate wearers!


And the Lich King was and is a death knight lol.


The operative words here being “was”.

You do realise that the original Lich King wasnt a deathknight right? He raised them, he controlled them.

It’s also worth noting that what the OP is all hot and bothered over is getting his hands on is essentially just a mall ninja wall hanger since the blade won’t have any of the properties associated with frostmourne… and thereby removing any reason for it to be DK specific beyond entitlement.


Yes I do know. However why can’t we keep some things class specific anymore? Let Ashbringer be useable by any class and see how that goes.

The visual should be DK exclusive, and giving that to trading post removes any sort of epicness of having the visual.

A class quest chain would be much better, much like to Legion class halls quests, and would give lore reasons for that to happen.

Even so, it is the Death Knight weapon. Not warrior, not hunter, not mage, not paladin.

The Lich King Arthas is the First Death Knight.
He was a Death Knight in Warcraft 3 when he wielded Frostmourne.

Since then, it is literally the Death Knight weapon.

Arthas was the first death knight of the Lich King.

Also just ignore the dractyr trolling, flag his posts and move on. He’s not but a troll on this post, and while at it, put him on ignore as well.

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Why have frostmourne when we can have flower weapons?

But really i dont need frostmourne, but would be down with something that looks as dope

I agree with the first half of your post, but Arthas wasn’t the first death knight. Ner’zhul was a death knight before he was.

You have Ashbringer be happy :blush:

Ner’zhul was the Lich King.

Ner’zhul was an orc shaman who became the first Lich King, created by Kil’jaeden the Deceiver to weaken Azeroth in preparation for the Burning Legion’s invasion. Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, Ner’zhul’s consciousness expanded ten thousand-fold, making him a spectral being of immense power.

Arthas was the first death Knight.

Arthas Menethil, the former paladin of the Silver Hand, is widely considered the first death knight in the Warcraft universe. He was transformed into a death knight after sacrificing his soul to claim the runeblade Frostmourne in a desperate bid to save his people. As a death knight, Arthas became an unstoppable force for the Lich King’s plans, serving both the Legion and against it. He was given a suit of saronite armor and slew nearly all of his own men before raising them as undead. Some of them, including Falric, Marwyn, and Thassarian, were raised as death knights in Arthas’ service.

Then they merged into the Lich King.

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Creations of Gul’dan

These soldiers of darkness were created by [Gul’dan] to replace the slaughtered [Warlock clans]). Assembled from the corpses of the [Knights of Stormwind] slain in the last battles of the [First War], these abominations were then instilled with the ethereal essence of the [Shadow Council], now serving the [Horde] in a [blasphemous] state of eternal [undeath]). Further empowered with magical energies culled from the slain [necrolytes], the death knights wielded an arsenal of [necromantic] and elemental spells that mete out all but certain death to the enemies of the Horde.

The original death knights were created for [Orgrim Doomhammer] by [Gul’dan] as powerful soldiers of the Horde. These death knights were created by placing the souls of the slain [warlocks] of the [Shadow Council] into the corpses of fallen [Stormwind]) [knights], the first of whom was [Teron Gorefiend]. Unlike modern death knights of the Scourge, these ghoulish fiends were not battle-hardened warriors: they were insidious necromancers who possessed superior intellect and tremendous magical power. They often favored the use of terror tactics and reanimated the corpses of enemy soldiers who fell in battle to serve them as mindless undead minions.

Most of these death knights were destroyed during and after the [Second War], either killed by the [Alliance] or transformed into [liches] by [Kil’jaeden.]


Hence I’m disappointed you should know dk lore.

They were retconned into not being death knights.

Arthas is widely considered the first death knight, and even the wiki states this.

He was transformed as the first Death Knight of the scourge, upon looting Frostmourne, a weapon created by the runecarver for Kil’Jaeedeen and also the helm of domination, who trapped Nr’zul in a throne of ice as the first Lich King.

Years after the destruction of [Draenor], the immensely powerful [Lich King] created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge.


Because theres nothing about this hypothetical mog that would be DK asociated based on the description of what it is that he wants (to say nothing of how the primus wouldn’t make another one) beyond a superficial appearance.