Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

The happy crown is the biggest reason frostmourne should be useable by DK’s
that garbage burger king crown is a travesty


Again: Trade post.

That would be the ideal solution for it honestly.

Yup. It’s also what I’ve consistently proposed since I came into this thread which Henceforth couldn’t process because he demanded a convoluted Lore breaking approach to this so that he could have a mog of a weapon that was never actually given real stats.

So put it up on the tradepost as a copy of the weapon model that can be used by anyone with a two hand weapon proficiency.

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Well i can tell you right now that a simgle class getting a big involved quest to get a tmog wouldn’t go down too well. “Lets give one of the most iconic weapons in game to death knights with a special quest to justify its existence.” Is going to leave a lot of players of other classes feeling pretty left out.

I don’t think giving anyone the full power of frostmourne would be seen as a good idea in general. Like I’d put it on the level of just giving the one ring to the witch king of angmar. The writers would probably make it be part of some weird sylvanas fanfic about how its needed to harvest souls so she won’t die or something.

With everything considered it seems like the best way to get the appearance is by using the trading post like the black dragon guy said. Turn it into a 20th anniversary gift and what not. People are sick of tmog stuff being locked as it is, so adding another tmog weapon that only one class can use just feels like its kicking a hornets nest.

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Man you’re gunna hate Legion


It’s also a case of “Wait, hold on: I’m doing all this and all I get is a pattern for a Mog? JFC blizz” which is how a lot of players would see it.

I do like the other suggestion that someone had of it being a 20th anniversary gift to the player base though.

It’s been like 15 years since that sword was broken atop ICC. I think it’s been long enough. If Blizzard can’t specifically give DK’s Frostmourne, they should at least be able to craft some new and cool swords. It’s basically one of their defining characteristics, finding or crafting cool new weapons.


Yeah that too, though maybe people wouldn’t mind a quest for it since its an iconic weapon. Though knowing blizz they could also make it a pointless grind. “Go back to the shadowlands and do all the dungeons each day to get a rune fragment of death, after you have collected 500 runes you can take it to some npc who will forge it into the mourneblade.”

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“Oh boy, here I go running endless corridors 12 again, hoping for that 4% drop…”


Oh right how could i forget a low drop rate percentage. Though 4% might be too high, only the most dedicated players should get it. 0.04% should keep them sub…i mean properly reward players.

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No one is asking for the full power of frostmourne. Players want a weapon that shares its appearance, not its power. Stick it in the Dark Moon Festival as a fake weapon - training sword - replica look alike.

Open this epic quest to all classes so everyone can attain it. Make it a gimick quest that someonee at the DMF was trying to recreate it but we prevented them from empowering it or something and we recieved the “Shell of a powerful Sword” or something. Give it some flavour text like “The runes upon this weapon look dull”.

Make it a white weapon - something - just give us the transmog look.

Again, all DK’s start and soon learn the ability to create their own runeblade alongside learing about runeforging - Frostmourne is a Mourneblade thats been bound with domination magic runes. The blade without thee domination magic is powerloees but wqould still have the same look, just without the glow.

Considering it’s the darkmoon faire I’d argue that it would be super onbrand to make it a fishing pole.

Or looted by an npc who was fishing and about to be thrown back because it wasnt the ashbringer they read about in a book one time…

Thats exactly what I’ve been saying it should be, that was more responding to the OP suggesting there needs to be some big lore reason and that the sword should be exclusive to death knight. He’s drawn a pretty hard line on the exclusive part whenever i told him open it to anyone who could use a two hander.

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There is no reason to tie it to DK only - thats actually against the lore.

Runeblades are blades inscribed with [runes], symbols that hold [magical]power. They are particularly wielded by [death knights], but they are not unique to the [Scourge]. Notably, [demons] and [high elves] are known to forge rune-etched blades as well, such as [Felo’melorn], the sword of the [Sunstrider] dynasty. By the time of the [Third War], runeblades were not unheard of, but they were considered extremely rare and terribly powerful weapons.


Ok, An NPC fishing on the end of a dock and just throwing legendary weapons one after another back into the drink complaining about how much trash there is in the ocean these days would be legit hilarious.

“Oh lord, another Taeshalach, why the hell do I keep getting this trash when all I want is 4 oily black bass to complete my quest? Mankirk’s eternal quest for vengeance is less cursed then this!”

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I don’t think any tmog item should be locked behind class restrictions. Like I’ll just go to a dwarf smith have him make me a bunch of look alikes then get a gnome to wire it up with led’s and then I’ll sell them off the back of my caravan for profit. (I’ll tell the death knights they’re the real thing and charge them double.)


Im keeen for this - i am a world renown master axesmith from back in the day, one of the very few that choose weaponsmithing > axesmithing in TBC.

They could add these replicas to profeessions and include everyone in the process.

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Ok, NGL: Wish dot com frostmourne is a thing I actually want now; go ahead and have a big cut scene with this thing that looks like it was put together by a 12 year old metal shop student with a concussion while everyon around you looks on in poorly animated awe as you lift the sword above your head. For extra lulz put in some of the OG low poly models.