Give Boomkins more form appearances

Would trade all boomkin forms for a hippo form that shot lasers out of its eyes/nostrils or a mega beam from the mouth

Yes, give us Steward models!

I love them!

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Oh yes please. I remember seeing all the different bear/kitty forms in Legion and was very sad when I realized my boom chickens got none.



Yes to more boomkin variation. It’d be great to have more options other than just getting glyph of stars so my druid can look decent in that form.

I always wanted my Nelf druid to be a druid of the fang. Be able to replace the cat with a snake same play and all just reskined ability’s like green fire for locks.

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I’ve seen those covenant form concepts before and I really hope we get something atleast similar to those. Otherwise, I am really hoping to be able to turn into the Ardenweald animals that roam in the zone aside from soulshape <3


Just had another idea… those runestags would make great druid travel forms. So would a lot of mounts from SL though but this would probably be the most fitting.

I don’t have any idea what a Swolekin is, but for a long time I’ve wished that I could look like the blue and white Moonkins in Winterspring.

They are officially called stewards. Swolekin is a popular nickname.

And they’re cute as hell.