If you want to play as a blue-eyed high elf, the Ebon Blade are waiting for you; play as a “blood elf” death knight.
Done. OP said nothing about High Elves, yet this person came charging into the thread throwing a fit.
The reason that Blizzard gave Blood Elves gold eyes is because of Hearthstone.
For w/e reason who ever made the art for Lady Liadrin in Hearthstone gave her gold eyes. There was quite a few posts on the hearthstone forums from WoW players asking why Lady Liadrin had golden eyes rather then green eyes like all the other blood elves.
IIRC a dev said they decided rather then change the art of Lady Liadrin they would just include Golden Eyes to the blood elves in WoW. They’ve done nothing for the Orcs in relation to the fel other then say “Its takes longer for the skin of Orcs to change” and just gave us the Mag’har (?) Orcs instead for non-green Orcs.
So in other words “I want to be a High Elf”
The Sunwell turned your eyes gold not Blue. You can get blue eyes as a Death Knight.
And why is what you and other blood elves want more important that what he wants? or what the whole of the alliance wants? or what jim bob joe on the street corner wants?.
Saying that he shouldn’t bring up what he wants while you state in the same sentence “this is what I want” makes you seem really childish
Good to see someone got it
You claim that you somehow know the lore, but want to say that Blood Elves are High Elves. That alone says you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
There are many references to High Elves being different from Blood Elves, both in game and in external lore. In the Lor’themar Theron short story (http://media.blizzard.com/wow/lore/pdfdownload/leader-story/lorthemar-theron/lorthemar-theron-enUS.pdf), Lor’themar himself notes the differences between High Elves and Blood Elves. In the Suramar questline, Elisande herself can tell the difference between Blood Elves and High Elves, and she’s been under a bubble for 10,000 years. What’s your excuse? In the Hinterlands, the Trolls there send you on a mission to attack the High Elves living there, even if you’re a Blood Elf. THEY can tell the difference.
Blood Elves DO have different skin tones and hair colors compared to High Elves as well. So bringing that up shows even more of your (willful?) ignorance on the subject.
And, no, the Blood Elves did not try to rejoin the Alliance. I have no idea why you even think that. As a matter of fact, High Elves have been, and still are allied with the Alliance, and have been IN GAME since VANILLA, well before the Blood Elves became Horde.
Don’t accuse someone of not knowing the lore if you’re so ill informed yourself.
Me too. It really sounds like Fyrebusch is just jealous.
My goodness this is spam too. There was another topic begging for blue eyes for blood elves as well recently, search it up and reply there >< Or you could roll a DK.
I personally couldn’t care less about blue eyes for blood elves. I want purple or black for my void elf.
So, your claim is the High Elves and Blood Elves are two uniquely different races? That’s a pretty stupid quote, considering you’re saying it like Africans aren’t humans, but Europeans are… But they’re both the same thing
You’re only using one small portion of a story, but there is a huge story that you’re ignoring, because in the end, once again, in you’re own claim, Blood Elves are not High Elves, they’re 2 difference races.
How about either play Warcraft games before World of Warcraft, or do full on research. One small portion of the story =/= the full story of the entire subject at hand.
Dude, I am pretty much well informed myself. But you seem to just don’t care. Because any excuse to make High Elves playable for the Alliance will do.
But as it has been mentioned several times by countless people:
Blood Elves = High Elves
Void Elves = High Elves
A Blood Elf is a High Elf, no matter how much the truth hurts. Same games with the Void Elves, they’re also High Elves, no matter how you look at it.
Now, here’s the thing about that word “race”. It’s a sociological descriptor, not a biological descriptor. Just as Mag’har and normal Orcs are not only the same species, but in many cases the same people, they are also different races.
Kul Tirans are a different race from the Stormwind Humans, despite the fact that you could easily mix up the two (aside from the ones with Drust blood) and not be able to tell the difference. Again, same species, different race.
Void Elves and Blood Elves are the same species but different races. Nightborne and Night Elves, same thing.
That is why Blood Elves and High Elves are different races.
Which part? Warcraft 3, where Kael’thas is working with the remnants of Lordaeron and because of how Garithos (A Lordaeron general) treats him, he joins up with the Naga, despite being told not to and that doing so would be treasonous? That really has nothing to do with Blood Elves trying to rejoin the Alliance.
If you want to be more specific (which I’m guessing you aren’t going to be doing because you can’t), you really should. Stop making vague references and pretending that it means something.
No. You are not. Your comments here have shown that.
Just because you repeat something doesn’t make it true. It has to BE TRUE TO BEGIN WITH before you start parroting it.
Oh boy, trolls at work today. Until I realized it is Sunday, February the 10th at 6am.
After reading this thread, I’ve started to wonder what the Elves of Quel’thalas were called between the end of the second war, til the end of the third war.
They obviously weren’t High Elves because they never left the Alliance. So when Quel’thalas as a nation left the Alliance. They had to of given up the High Elf name. Because everyone knows that High Elves stayed with the Alliance. Blizzard said they were still High Elves, however Blizzard was wrong, High Elves stayed with the Alliance.
So the Quel’tharian Elves as a nation had to have been called something during the time gap between leaving the Alliance and being nearly eradicated by Arthas and his scourge and being renamed Blood Elves.
If we cannot have the option of High Elf Blue eyes. May we have the option, of the blue eyes of the Elves that left the Alliance after the second war.
It must have fallen very far behind. This isn’t spam.
Hmm, maybe the different banners, tabards, and armor styles gave her a clue?
Here is the thing that you’re not understanding. Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race, just with different names. Blood Elves used to be High Elves, but renamed themselves to honor there fallen. But no matter how you look at it, Blood Elves are still High Elves.
They’re both one and the same race.
So, that’s why when, in game, if you have someone like Liadrin following you, and someone else sees her, it shows her race as “Blood Elf”, but if you have Alleria following you, it shows her race as “High Elf”. You know, because they’re the “same thing”, lol.
Maybe. It could also be the BLUE EYES that the HIGH ELVES have.
what i would like to see happen is this… Give all eye color options for each face type we can choose from.
Right now its… certain faces have this color only…etc etc
it is pretty silly
plus as i stated no Blood Elves in Quelthalas are tapping into fel now that they have a new sunwell
The Well isn’t pure anything. It stands to reason if they can be fel/light it can also be Arcane as it is part Arcane, how can anyone refute that?
In the current lore it’s a mixture of Arcane and Light, they can’t really be seperated into a pure form of either.