Dont miss this oppurtunity to delete Blood for Blood and implement Transfusion into Blood somewhere!



I think they should also look at the talent rows where there is only one good choice and do something about the other two options.

i worry that blizz would just delete them and replace them, when a lot of abilities we dont take in talent rows used to be baseline abilities we used situationally.

the ideal solution IMO is baseline the abilities we dont take and then add new compelling options.

If they’d that I would at least beg for them to make defile a core ability for unholy replacing dnd when switching to the spec.

It’s so cool, but so wack as a talent.

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I like that Defile is a talent.
To me it feels like it SHOULD be a playstyle choice. I just think it needs a few buffs and fixes.

Rot and Wither as a baseline passive to begin with for both PvP and PvE.
Although one could argue Rot and Wither should just be a baseline passive attached to Death and Decay, AND Defile.
Meaningful choice vs convenience i guess.

Necrotic Strike while benefits from Death and Decay cleave, still does not apply Death’s Due.


Yeah that needs fixing for sure.
Idk how they haven’t fixed things like that yet.

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It just got reworked.

To what? And do I have access to it? Lol
