"Girl Boss" characters in lore work best as villains

looks to fem Commander Shepard

It ain’t all villains


Sylvanas was a bad villain.

  • Azshara
  • Sylvanas
  • Xal’atath
    I’m not a betting man, but I am seeing a pattern.
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One thing that annoys me is the book that came out that explained all her motivations for why she did everything, which of course they never go over in the game (except super vaguely with Anduin) changed my mind into understanding her whole motivation.

But again, it doesn’t excuse the poor character development in game, but it’s another case of important information/character development that’s in a whole separate piece of media.

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Sylvanas was a horrible villain for BfA/Shadowlands… (extremely terrible story writing etc).

Queen Azshara is a great character and villain, can’t wait to see more of her.

And Shadow Priests have been simping for Xal’atath since Legion before she had a body and she is an excellently built villain so far.

The best written female boss in WoW’s history is Moira.

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Nah, they aren’t giving her credit for literally everything that happened previously in WoW lore.

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Gen Z is the worst.

I’m happy for you and/or that happened to you

The only strong female character that is likeable in this game to me is Moira Bronzebeard because she doesn’t smother you with it

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