(Horde - Kil’Jaeden) [11/12M] is looking for members to add to our ranks as we look to finish Mythic progression.
We currently offer a late night raid schedule (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:30PM-12:30AM PST).
We offer a stable, progression minded, but very personable, enjoyable, laid back raid. We make sure we down content but at the same time having an fun atmosphere.
We are currently looking for exceptional players that have extensive knowledge in their class.
Comprehensive understanding of their class.
Experience (Mythic experience is required).
Excellent communication.
High situational awareness.
Logs of current tier of raiding.
Current Openings:
DPS - Mage (Fire) / Warlock / Hunter (BM)
Healer - Immediate core spot for the right Holy Paladin / Disc Priest
Any and all of those classes with decent experience (some logs to back it up) and are strongly encouraged to message our recruiters. Real IDs are below. If you have any questions at all please message us personally.
Thank you for considering us as a choice for your new guild and hope to hear from you soon!
Message Swiftrick#1953