Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

I don’t believe that anything we see this expansion can be presented as a true indication that a race will be made playable for sure. Blizzard could end up releasing something that we have not seen yet as the allied races or is very obscure. In my opinion, it is good to support allied races however it isn’t wise to jump to conclusions about them based on what we see now. Blizzard has also said before that they intended to add more variation to npcs.

However that being said. So far all allied races have always been the same racial type. It stands to reason they blizzard is likely going to continue this route. Since Vulpera are not goblins, and their similarities pretty much end after their rig and size I would except the goblin AR slot to go to another space. However here is the thing about this which a lot of people don’t like. If this is how things work then this also means that Vulpera wouldn’t fit into a spot of any other allied race since similar logic could be applied to worgen or panda.

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Im thinking a Zandalari would recruit Vulpera. Maybe a nightborne blood elf or goblin (Hobart) may recruit them. Seeing as he’s our champion and the other gilblins are our bodyguards I can see some parrallels design wise. I say we will see big hints after the goblin updates seeing as how the male gilblins still use the cata models. If the kelfins get updated I believe they can be a new allied race with BFA graphics. They may be like Nightborne though where the playable models are different from NPC models.

Historically whenever a player race gets updated, it extends to variations. When gnomes got model updates it was extended to all kinds of variant gnome races across Azeroth. However at the same time, I don’t think work done on an npc should be taken as an inidication whether they will be playable or not.


Have a look at this thread and notice the comment Ornyx makes.

He said they are trying a new system for new races that makes there ui and customization as if they are playable models.

He also states that you shouldnt take it to mean they will be playable. He also didnt say Vulpera are not planned (double negative). He didnt mention Vulpera being planned as playable. Usually the community can deduce by datamining. For example currently non blood elves/night elves lack many demonhunter animations. You could hypothesize the nect expansion will include more demonhunters if other races start getting demonhunter animations.

I believe Vulpera will be annoumced for blizzcon seeing as how they are the easiest to make playable on horde right now.

I must say I do want Gilblins more then Vulpera. But ever since there release I see alot of support for them. Gilblins are just starting to be part of the story. I would specukate them being playable by the end of the expansion giving the pacing of allied race release schedules after there story implementation and working around other planned Allied races.

Example Kultiran caused Zandalari to be delayed-released as a double feature for 8.1.

The closest race I can think to Vulpera that are easiest to make playable is mechagnome. So logic dictates those 2 may be announced in blizzcon. 8.2 is coming out soon. 8.2.5 is the earliest we can expect anything new (regarding allied races).

Really in all honestly. My main concern is just Vulpera coming out in place of a decent goblin AR. A lot of people think I am some sort of Gilblin fanatic who hates Vulpera(And admittedly with some of my actions I don’t entirely blame them). However the truth is that I think Vulpera would be a nice race in general. However I am a huge goblin nerd who will always love goblins way more so I really just don’t want Vulpera to come in place of a good goblin AR. Now to comment on a few other things you mentioned.

Usually the community can deduce by datamining.

This can often be very misleading. Let me give you a few examples:

1. If we look at animations:

Ogres and murlocs have unique dance animations and they are not playable. Second thing also is that there are dozens of npcs with animations that only normally used by player characters. Because of this one can’t deduce that these animations will indicate a race will likely be playable.

2. Geosets

Vyrkul, fel orcs,naga, and thin humans also have geosets. Thin humans have geosets that work well too.

3. Existance in the racial tab.

We’ve seen races become playable that weren’t listed in the races tab prior to it. Zandalari and Kul’tirans weren’t even listed in the races tab until they become playable.

4. Them helping a faction.

For reference I am only going to go back as far as legion. There were a number of races we did help such as Vyrkul and Broken that didn’t become playable. That said, who knows what lies ahead.

Now to address this part:

how they are the easiest to make playable on horde right now.

I disagree with this on a bunch of fronts. My reason why is because.

  1. Most of the animations are done for Gilgoblins both male and female. Each of their genders has 281 animations. The main goblin model has 289. Vulpera only have 135 each.

  2. Custom animations aren’t needed for Gilgoblins.

  3. They have all kinds of existing data from goblins that can be applied to Gilblins.

Keep in mind that this is all assuming we go by the idea that this stuff is indictive of what will be playable. My personal opinion. I think it is better off for us to discuss why we love the race/lore rather if it will become playable or not.

They also made that comment about " new" races still be tied to expansiona which was weird. I think they were teasing a new race for next expansion. I can’t imagine them saying it for sonething 4 years down the line for example.

They did state hero classes need starting zones to be adjusted for new races which is also a hint for the next expansion. They also talked about a level squish in one of there interviews. All factors we can consider.

I think both Vulpera and kelfins can join the horde. Vulpera provide a unique desert identity, thief/scavenger culture. Wheras kelfins are aquatic, scacengers, kind have a unique creation theme and can be built to be more like atlanteans/bioshock/ post apocolyptic such as in horizon zero dawn.

Vulpera is also good for a few communities that shall not be named. I think many females also like cute races.

Kelfin to me could be more about scifi. Have you ever seen splice? Lol. I enjoy Scifi which is why I like races like goblin or eredar/dranei (hoping for that one day) but dont main them.

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I think both Vulpera and kelfins can join the horde. Vulpera provide a unique desert identity, thief/scavenger culture. Wheras kelfins are aquatic, scacengers, kind have a unique creation theme and can be built to be more like atlanteans/bioshock/ post apocolyptic such as in horizon zero dawn.

One thing I am also skeptical about which is something a lot of people don’t really like the idea of, but it is a very possible reality. You see so far all allied race have always been the same racial type and they also have similar paring and usually have an intrinsic similarity. Now here is the thing. Vulpera aren’t goblins. Yet at the same time they aren’t pandas and would blizzard release these guys as a new race along with other allied races? You see the thing is that historically blizzard has only released new core races based on how it works with the present expansion. What if they very well may never be playable? This very well could be possible.

That said I definitely agree with you on the front that they each have something unique to offer.

Kelfin to me could be more about scifi. Have you ever seen splice?

I love sci fi, but I haven’t seen this. In truth its part of the reason I play mostly goblins. Could you sum it up for me?

Splice is a horror flick. These guys experiment with genetics and end up making a human. They raise it. Some morally ethical bad stuff happens. The creature grows. Becones more monster like. I think it even changes gender.

I don’t think kelfins will do all that but the possibility of being a scientific experiment and evolving is cool. Maybe Gral’s blessing may effect them physically. Shark teeth? Dorsal fins? Super strength? Scaly armor.
Nocturnal vission? Great smell (stealth detection or revealing bleeding targets on the map).

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Intriguing. I’ll have to check it out sometime. We still don’t know exactly how Hobart created the Gilblins and there is still a speculative possibility that these could have different origins. However for now I’ll stick to cannon knowledge. Perhaps his method of creating them was a lot cleaner. Hey. Just look at what these Kelfins(going to get in the habit of calling them kelfins. I like name better). These Goblins are pretty cool and break a lot of the tropes of typical goblins.

On a secondary note btw. I just wanted to extend an invite to the Goblin Discord for you. Primarily since you seem to love talking about this stuff. This discord probably has the largest group of Gilgoblin supporters in one place.


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Perfect for keeping in tanks to throw your business competitors into

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Vulpera seem more like a Pandaren AR to me.

Goblins need a Goblin type, not something completely unrelated to them either biologically or culturally.


I remember I was told that Gilblins have a very unstable gene makeup in the Goblin Discord. This person said that this is why they would be much more likely to be able to shapeshift more easily. However I am not sure how rooted in lore this is.

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That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Well if I cant have playable naga, I guess this is the next best thing.

Pandarens getting an AR lol, Ill believe it when I see it.

I doubt it, I feel like this is a preliminary test before they do this again for another AR (give something unrelated to the core, but have it similar in model and animations). Because realistically…what would they give for worgen at this point? My bet is the faction swap for saberon.

Plus it will give Blizzard the defense of “see, we told you they werent subraces.”

I’d also keep eye out for how Ankoan looks when PTR hits alpha. Female Ankoan voice have been found. I like to think of Kelfin like fun sized Jinyu.

I mean, both Ji and Aysa are in the Embassy.

Thats great. Theyre also on the war campaign boat, yet dont do anything.

Your not wrong.
(I wish Blizzard would do something with them already.)

Its why I disagree with Gubrim two-fold:

  1. If they were the Panda AR…how would Blizz justify them being neutral? We literally saw Alliance on the incursion terrorizing them.

  2. If they are the Horde Panda AR…what would be the Alliance’s version? We havent seen anything put the work into except Mechagnomes…

To me, Pandarens being deemed as a failure from MoP (remember Ghostcrawler’s tweets) makes them in my mind…not going to get an AR. Especially when we dont have a Forsaken or Worgen one yet and its getting near the end of the expac.