Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

I would assume that if you grew/aged faster, you also probably die quicker. I do wonder what the lifespan of Giblins are. In fantasy, most long lived races mature at a slower rate.

This one seems most likely imo. Hobart just said he created gilgoblins, he didn’t say it was very recently. And he does look a lot older in artwork.


Well that seems pretty definitive. He looks old enough to be a grandpappy in that pic.

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And similarly possibly also probably reproduce faster. That would explain a lot of why there are so many Gilgoblins/kelfins everywhere.

In fantasy, most long lived races mature at a slower rate.

Yes. Like its mentioned in lore that Draenei typically don’t reproduce often or sometimes ever due to their long life spans.

This one seems most likely imo. Hobart just said he created gilgoblins, he didn’t say it was very recently And he does look a lot older in artwork.

Professor Hobart reminds me some much of Professor E.Gadd from Luigis Man’sion. This guy has so many similarities to him in style and personality. I’ll bet you Hobart was inspired by the guy.


Also keep in mind that some lifespans can be altered with magic, I believe. Like, you can opt to live longer with certain kinds of magic. Does this work in WoW? Well, with elves, it does. But a little dash of arcane never hurt anyone, right? :wink: I’m sure goblins would extend theirs and such.


Maybe the stupid ones we meet in Vashj’ir are his prototypes and the ones from Nazjatar are like the final model? It could even be like a contract he made with the Naga to create some workers for them or something.

Considering that Mekkatorque uses advance forms of technology that Jaina has gone on record saying that is more powerful than any magic she is seen, I can very easily see it possible. However it could be something else at play. Not much is known about how Hobart created Gilgoblins. Its highly speculated that he created them by alchemical means. Hobart apparently is about of the Union of the Tinkers Union which created Hobgoblins this way.

Still hoping we get some fish gobs. :tropical_fish:

It could be like that too, some type of natural selection or careful planning and tweaking of spells. There are spells in Azeroth that can change people into sheep. I highly doubt arcane magic was not at play here in making the Gilgobs or perhaps nature magic. Was it ever clear what Hobart is class wise aside from a inventor? Maybe he is a warlock and he used some shadow magic.


I think with Goblins, mixing magic and science would make perfect sense for them!


Was it ever clear what Hobart is class wise aside from a inventor? Maybe he is a warlock and he used some shadow magic.

This is a very very good question actually. Right off the top of my head tinker comes to mind, but I have to by careful when just assuming like that. There could be specific tidbits of lore in the wow universe that go more in depth as to who exactly he is. When I check wowhead, it mentions inventions Kajacola Poultrizer, Town-in-the-Box. This guy really strikes me as a tinker, but also potentially a good cook and alchemist.

I am not sure if anyone is aware exactly how he created the Gilblins. This is another mystery. Many suspect alchemy like hobogoblins, but I am not positive. However if he is some kind of other class besides tinker, then mage comes to mind because of the kinds of stuff he can do like turning things into animals, transporting stuff and what not.

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I want gilblins to invent flying land or airsharks. They use magic tech to make them fly and use them as hubter pets.


The question is, would they be flying airsharks with lasers on their heads too?

Hello oondasta says yes


Assorted musings: When you click on gilgoblin NPCs in the PTR, one of their greetings is: “Gilgoblin? What’s a gilgoblin? Sounds shiny.” I wonder if this means that the kelfin have a different origin than other gilgoblins we have previously encountered, or if they simply don’t know their own origins? Other greetings include: “We share what we’ve got” and “What’s mine is yours.” This sounds like a much different culture and world view than the traditional cartel goblins.

Also, recent PTR datamining has revealed a new toy from a quest called Tome of Tears: “Book of the Unshackled. Use: Read the book and recall the memories of the Unshackled. (1 Hour Cooldown) A tome containing names of members of the Unshackled that lost their lives in the fight against the naga.” I want to know the names of the brave kelfin who died for the freedom of their people! I tried looking up more information about this quest to see if there is any cool gilgoblin lore, but I can’t find anything. It must not be implemented yet.


Ooh interesting :o
I guess they could just be saying it liek "gilgoblin? I’m a kelfin " but ofc idk the tone. I wonder how they would react if they truly didn’t know that they were created by Hobart lol

All the better to set them apart! They aren’t upgraded goblins that detract from the originals, they’re their own thing with their own strengths and quirks <3

Oo I saw that too, and I want to see it in action


I wonder if this means that the kelfin have a different origin than other gilgoblins we have previously encountered

Very interesting find. Hmm… Sounds like Gilblin may be due for a name change. I just might start referring to these guys as Kelfins at all times. I like Kelfins as a name bit better.

Other greetings include: “We share what we’ve got” and “What’s mine is yours.” This sounds like a much different culture and world view than the traditional cartel goblins.

Wow so this wasn’t just a one off thing? One of the defining traits of these Gilgoblins seems to be a greater degree of selflessness and care for others. Yet dispite this they also seem to still have a similar drive for valuable items like goblins. This is kinda like what I mentioned at an earlier time in the thread. Being money driven doesn’t automatically mean greedy.

or if they simply don’t know their own origins?

Earlier in the thread I brought up that only about 5 years has passed since cata. However it isn’t specifically said to our knowledge when gilgoblins were created or how. However since they were created by Hobart, we think that it can’t be any further than 70 years ago for certain. Gilblin(the user) mention that Hobart looks old. However I still wouldn’t entirely rule out the possibility of different origins. Although I think they most likely don’t know their origins.

“Book of the Unshackled. Use: Read the book and recall the memories of the Unshackled. (1 Hour Cooldown) A tome containing names of members of the Unshackled that lost their lives in the fight against the naga.”

This is interesting because it means that there was probably a vast war ongoing. There is probably a lot more lore to them than we realize.

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We’ll be seeing Gilgoblins soon in 8.2, and I feel like people will be able to enjoy them a bit more. I’ve been informed by my lover that there’s one with a personality that I’ll enjoy quite a bit. One in the starting area. Looking forward to meeting her. Surprisingly I haven’t spoiled much for myself quite yet.


Given recent findings, I present a theory.
Perhaps we will get both these and Vulpera.

Think about it, The 2 Pandaren Leaders are in the Embassy, there’s no race that really shares a skeleton so there’s not much choices in that regard.
What if Ji and thus the Pandaren recruit the vulpera?
The Huojin would almost certainly be fast friends with them, and would have so much to teach each other.

It makes sense.

Well, there’s Zandalari for Night elf skeleton and Nightborne too! So I see no reason as to why Vulpera and Gils can’t be added in together as well.

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Yeah Blizz isn’t afraid of recycling. I believe some leaders like Jaina weren’t in the embassy until later on, so if both gilgoblins and vulpera became playable, one or both races’ ambassadors could even be someone who hasn’t yet been added.

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