People get passionate about things they like. I’m not certain Blizz takes much stock in these megathreads preciously because they tend to be a minority speaking, when Blizz has their grand roadmap all laid out already. I wouldn’t be surprised at all in the next AR has been cemented in stone for the last year.
Nope! I wanna see somebody step up and join me in coming up with the male /dance. I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of a good one for the males. I mean even if blizz makes them an AR but chooses a different dance than we come up with, it’s still fun to consider stuff. Also hey, if they turn out to have used one we come up with? Makes us freakin prophets man, and that’s just cool.
I am very sorry. My alts are out of control today. Gotta get them back on a leash. Next thing you know these forums will be overrun with the Citadel of Rustwells.
There’s a few things we can do.
First of all, I’m wondering what culture these guys are gonna draw from, because whatever it is they will probably use something from said culture.
Also any dances involving water in the music video probably.
For now I am mostly waiting a bit to see what happens closer to alpha. If anything interesting pops up in terms of Gilgoblins I’ll be sure to post about it here.
I don’t think my first thoughts for dances are helpful, as my thoughts went to “Under The Sea” and “Kiss The Girl”. Though that admittedly makes me hope they reference those with a Makura or have him pull a Tamatoa with “Shiny” and that getting whomped, and complain that we would help him if he was Sebastian
I’ll bet you we are going to see all kinds of Spongbob and little mermaid references in Nazjatar. There was a Winnie the pooh reference in Stormsong Valley. Probably is going to be a krab that leads a shop and is super greedy or something.
I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I heard someone say that the Gilgoblins recently got a model update in the PTR. I haven’t confirmed this myself since I currently don’t have access to the PTR. If anyone can confirm with pictures that this is actually true, I would love to hear about it.
Second thing. For those who haven’t heard. Goblin heritage armor is incoming. This outta be good!
I don’t believe there is going to be any new allied races until next expansion because last expansion only had 4 and blizzard has never released race before without giving around 6 months notice to it being released. If there was going to be any allied races for 8.2.5, we would probably know about it by now.
With Goblin updates on model and now the heritage armor coming as well, I can only imagine that Gilblins will be given a ticket in as part of a package Goblin dealy.
I am eager to see what happens closer to alpha. I am suspecting that sometime between now and alpha Gilgoblins will get a model update. If not within the recent time, around 8.2.5. It is amazing how much has come out about Gilgoblins lately. They are more and more looking to be a potentially viable AR.
Although I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. There is still another expansion ahead. What ends up being the allied races could be something we haven’t seen yet.
Ya know what I am wondering. This may seem a bit far-fetched, but I wonder if it is possible that Neri-sharp fin could end up potentially replacing Gallywix in some way shape or form. Though I mostly see her as more of an ambassador. However if these goblins do in fact gain intelligence on par with Bilgwater goblins, then we could be looking at our new potential Trade Princess in the future. A very huge maybe though.