i don’t see how anyone “wins” by having this mount.
I mean, if you dig it, buy it.
but banks toons are free. the mail is immediate. heck, the mail can serve as a sort of free storage area.
I don’t see what the actual in-game ROI is from this.
i don’t see how anyone “wins” by having this mount.
I mean, if you dig it, buy it.
but banks toons are free. the mail is immediate. heck, the mail can serve as a sort of free storage area.
I don’t see what the actual in-game ROI is from this.
OP is right, but WoW players have been deluded and conditioned into thinking it’s okay so your points won’t be reciprocated in kind lmao
i made about a million gold just casually selling crap I made with eng during BFA
Made about 900,000 casually farming ore in early DF.
I made about 1.6 milllion selling bank tabs full of old mats like thorium and saronite bars I had horded when the price was really low and they both shot up more recently.
I dont even know how much I made selling mogs and pets Ive farmed over 7 years lol.
Point is, even if I had decided to use gold to buy this mount the price is NOTHING compared to the gold ive earned in this game.
And I didnt even play during WoD when it was current, lol
There is NO reason why anyone who want this mount cant find a way to get it.
You’re a bit late on this.
The WOW token has effectively caused every piece of gold you spend in the game to have monetary value. Everything in the game that you can buy with gold is effectively ‘pay to win’ most just dont realize it since Blizz has put up a few layers of abstraction. The only difference with this new Bruto is that they dropped all pretense and just sold it on the store.
Are you naive enough to think this wasn’t the case previously, albeit through black market means?
Get over it already geez sick of these threads crying about the mount already.
booom…exactly what went thru my mind reading that post lol
all bliz has done is legalize gold buying
the best part would be if OG Brut and Spectral Tiger will be on the SAME month, and I will be here for the lovely forum tears.
Pretty weird behavior but alright lmao
lol…‘weird’ is tossing fits over a mount in a video game for a week now that no one NEEDS to have in the first place.
VERY weird behavior
I agree with you OP, but this game was P2W a long time ago when they decided to make gold buying “legal” with the WoW token. You can clear any content in this game when you have an indescribable amount of money.
The mount is just them letting the mask slip. They don’t care anymore, and clearly neither does the community, which is unfortunate. But there’s nothing we can do about it.
bought it with game gold, took 5 minutes, the system worked flawlessly.
spent the next few hours using it on some of my 50 alts. well worth it and I’ll get the 1.5 million back in a few months.
everything makes people cry for some reason. LOL
wow has been p2w for years.
cash rules everything around me
You know what’s funny, money only really has value because the sum collective of humanity decided it did. Bread and food has infinitely more value in actual reality than MONEY.
because money intrinsically is fairly worthless, it’s just a transactional currency we decided was valuable against the ACTUAL value of something else.
It’s especially silly when you then try to weight one national currency against another made up value. It’s kinda cute how we’ve convinced each other across the globe that this hunk of metal or that scrap of paper has more value and use than it really does.
I always get some amusement out of that one scene in Rick and Morty where Rick changes one little 1 to a 0 and it just collapses an entire galactic society.
In a realistic world. we’d value the currency for it’s actual utilitarian use, like how useful the metal it’s made of actually is, or we’d skip such trivialities and just trade basic needs for hours of labor spent, cause when we get right down to it… time IS the most valuable thing in the cosmos, and because of that labor, sheer raw time and energy spent, is the BIGGEST cost driver in an economy.
Money is basically bookeeping, but one cool thing about it is saving for future investments.
fragile egos though!
money has always been a stand in representation of goods or services. but if you mean money has no inherit value unto itself, then obviously duh.
what we dont want is to go back to the days of having to try to figure out if the value of 1 cow to 10 chickens is right or should it be 9 chickens or 11 chickens. its stupid people that dont realize this.
what’s the advantage here? is it just that people who forgot to buy consumables before they enter the BG can now do so?