GG. Unplayable. Done

Having all your warriors and mages engineering would wipe them out pretty quick.

“I only like pvp when it suits me”


Like I said, they have options, they just don’t like the choices…

This guy is clueless.

In the end you have to do what we all back in 04 we addaped? I was on the reciving end of a faction imbalance in my server too. still managed to get to naxx. You dont like it well there is the option to go to a PVE server and start again sure it sux balls but many did it I did too to play with friends.

Thing is PVP is your choice and you should have seen it waaaay before you reached max level so if you decided to stay well now you lay on the bed you made. it sux sure it sux huge tauren balls but well that is how the game is and you cant just pick when its on your favor the PVP and cry change when its not.

Again you need to adapt or move to another server crying in the forums is just… well no you wont get a word from blizzard, you wont get sympathy from people either because we are all doing the same we all deal with moments of pummel you to the ground and they pee on when you are down moments. its part of the pvp experience and well thats about it really. adapt of move to another place and start again…

sorry man welcome to classic this is not the wow you know its the wow we knew…

“PVP happened, I quit”

Feel your pain, this is what we need to get back in: Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed - #50 by Ilarra-turalyon

You rolled on a PVP server… should have thought about it and rolled pve instead.


I mean, they’re literally the bottom of the WoW barrel. How would they ever be able to do math? They can’t even construct a simple sentence 95% of the time…

How did so many of you who rolled on a PvP server NOT see this coming? Seriously.

They were hopped up on nostalgia, the same as people who said there was no way that Ragnaros would fall in the first week. Simple fact is that the players in 2019 aren’t the players of 2004.

All these horde saying reroll to pve servers are stupid. They won’t have anyone to kill if this continues.

Blizzard should work on fixing faction imbalance instead of releasing content sooner.

Patience is a virtue. Stop whinging.

I feel the pain. My server is also like 7-3 horde to ally. I ran MC last night and there were large groups of horde literally every inch of searing gorge from the flight master to the entrance to mc. Every time i would rez all i could do is blink before i was slaughtered by 15 horde. When i finally got into actual brd there were atleast 80+ players just waiting to kill anyone passing.

Adapt and overcome, you had 80 people, sounds like you are just bad at PVP and got wiped.

There is nothing they can do, honestly. Players caused this, and the best thing Blizzard can do to fix it is offer transfers for people on the Horde to servers where there are more alliance. And that sounds good, in theory, but it won’t work. People don’t want fair world PvP, not really. They want to be on the winning side. That’s why you don’t see Horde rerolling from, say, Herod to Heartseeker.

Anything that could really be done on Blizzard’s end to fix the problem would be met with massive backlash. Faction specific queues? That’s punishing people for playing what they want to play. Population caps? Great, now Blizzard isn’t letting me play the game I’m paying a subscription for! Forced transfers? You just broke up my guild!

Anything Blizzard can do either won’t work, or will only make things worse. This is caused by players, and it is up to the players to solve it.

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I’m sure you guys got to your precious PVE dungeon eventually. It’s funny how the horde don’t complain on heartseeker, alliance dominated. We whisper other guilds and try to go together with sappers. I do admit faction imbalance is a problem and should be fixed. But quitting over this ? You do realize you can pvp anywhere you want now that you are the underdog right?

for the vast majority of people Rag didnt fall the first week, the only people that did it were private server players that practiced on private servers multiple times leveling from 1-60 then killing rag as fast as they could, they knew exactly what they needed and how to do it. They also heavily exploited layering and raids getting full XP in dungeons once they knew about it, and most people didn’t account for that when they said rag wouldn’t be killed week one.

That only goes to prove her point. Players back then didn’t know how to do anything, they were still learning the game. Now though we have guides, we’ve done it before, and we had private servers to practice on.

They can do lots.