Getting to Trust Level 3

Are you tellin’ me I have to be on daily and read 20k posts every hundred days just to keep the trust level?

Technically, it’s every other day, but yes.

You have to earn your memes, after all.

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It’s probably better that I never get it. I’d definitely post memes a bunch with it.

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How do you not have it is a better question?

I thought you spent more time on the forums than I do.

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I’m not your homie. And I’m not a child. Your stats are meaningless. As are mine. No one cares. And it’s not a measure of how someone lives their life.

But keep trying to think you’re somehow better than others for some reason because of it.


Wait, level three’s get their own forum???

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Okey dude you don’t want to be friends, got it.

You’re now my enemy. That what you wanted?

Holy hek. Maybe I should just cope without it, if it requires maintaining that just to keep it

Yup! :grin:


Every other day but yep you have to stay active.

Ah yes… someone doesn’t do what you want so you automatically hate them. Real mature.

Enjoy your evening. :wave:


Please just stop.

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You attacked me for being friendly to you, apparently that clashes with your independant self made look.



/cries harder

I’ll just be over here in GD like a good peon.

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/pats on the back. whispers “You’ll get there, just will take some time.”

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I attacked no one. You weren’t being friendly. You were being snarky and standoffish.

But I digress. Have a good night, I’m not derailing this thread anymore.

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the 20k read is easy just find a huge thread like one of the mega threads and jam a quarter in the arrow down key and go take a shower go shopping wash dishes sleep with your boyfriend or girlfriend play with your cat mow the lawn what ever you wanna do may have to come back and refresh page cuz it sometimes slows down but thats how I read 18k posts in like 2 hours

That’s pretty much all I do with it :woman_shrugging:

Yeah. It’s called The Lounge. It’s not terribly exciting.


I regret that you see intelligent posters as threats, but that is not what I was trying to achieve.

Any dialogue, even bad dialogue, is constructive if each side hears each others points and holds them in consideration.

You seem to be coy on inflammatory remarks and twisted social logic.