Getting the itch to unsub

I’m going to raid this weekend and see how it goes. I hope it hooks me again. If not, I’ll probably just stick to casual m+ until I get bored and take a break.

Like I said, you didn’t take your time with it. I feel that the game is way too easy. The glut of easy peasy content is fun but only in short bursts. You burned through it and burned out because the game hands everything to you now. Gear no longer has any impact and level 10s can do level 60 content. The game needs to get back to it’s roots. I was ultimately agreeing with you though.

I thought people were joking when they said forum posters just whine all day. You people are driving yourself insane by being on here and constantly posting


You are probably burned off. Maybe next patch?

That’s the problem with this game. Nothing matters. Just wait for the new patch. Etc. They need to get rid of enemy scaling and bring wow back to it’s roots.

It didn’t used to be this bad because once upon a time wow was the reason you owned a PC.

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So enemy scaling is causing things in the game to not matter… what?

Yes because then your levels don’t matter. What’s the point of leveling up? Just get rid of leveling altogether. While we’re at it just give everyone free mythic raid gear.

If you can’t see that scaling is bad then you’ve never played wow.

Yes, levels don’t matter after you reached 60 on classic. Everything after that was just stupid power creep.

There is no point in leveling up. It is just a progress bar to indicate when the initial exploration phase of the new expansion is over and the end game begins.

Completely agree. However this will not happen and saying that nothing matters in the game because of it is just silly.

Why? Gear is the main carrot in a stick of every patch. What would be the point in removing it?

Played for a couple of decades. This just seem to be your pet peeve that no one cares about.

The ones perpetually announcing their departure are more annoying than most. lol.
If Im leaving, Im leaving. I dont need to make any drama over it.
When i take a break, I’ll mention it when I finally come back. I dont feel the need to come in here for pats on the back or getting feedback from anyone.

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Just take a break for a while, play some other games. Maybe unsub for a month or 2 while you recover from the exhaustion. Another option would be to try a new/different aspect of the game, or even just doing your own thing instead of endgame rush. Never a bad thing to walk away for a bit.

It’s cool. I don’t hate the game. It seems like I need a break from MMO’s in general.


I get where you are coming from. I like a lot of things about DF but there is a bunch I don’t care for. I hate how easy it is to level now. For me Leveling a new character was always something to do. Now it’s super fast and easy. They took the more casual approach to not falling behind if you don’t play 4-8 hours every day but by doing so it makes it feel like there isn’t much to do. Sure now everyone is leveling alts but that will get old and completed by most in the next month or so. then your left with raids and M= and PVP. The world content seems so sparse atm. I hope that gets rectified after the first patch. I get on for a good 2-3 hour session and I get all my WQ’s done and run a few dungeons and I’m like okay … nothing left to do LOL.

Dear Diary,

You’ll make the peon cry if you unsub.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

hugs Pharazon

I will miss your gifs.


Yeah, this is happening to me. My sub is up in 10 days and I’m just…eh. I haven’t even finished Waking Shores on this guy and I don’t even hate the story. I just…don’t want to do it right now, lol. I’ve played two sessions since launch total.

Frankly, I’m still having more fun leveling toons in LoTRO and the D4 announcement has me messing around in D3 and looking forward to 6/6/23.

My interest in WoW is just looooooow.

I had the itch once. I shaved and it eventually went away. This is why you don’t hang around loose pandas.

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If you want out, WoW will be here when you want to come back.