Getting out of combat

One problem I’ve noticed while playing is that it takes so long to get completely out of combat, even in PVP when you put your main minion on follow and walk off a distance. Some minion or another stays on your target for way too long and keeps you in combat.

You can’t eat, you can’t mount, you can’t regen health or mana. Sometimes it takes minutes before every minion is out of combat and you can do any of those things. Is there any way to tell all of your minions to call it quits and get you out of combat ASAP?

Obviously you have a bit of control over your main minions (although they still tend to bug out like crazy) but the ones you don’t have direct control over seem to keep getting each other in combat, particularly when you have imps automatically spawning.

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A good solution for this problem and even to solve another target swapping issue would be to make all summoned demons not directly under your control follow and attack your main demons target, and where if you tell your main demon to go passive and follow you then all demons immediately stop and follow you without attacking.

Yep, I’d kind of assume this was the default but apparently not. Or there’s a bug with it.

Not just demons. I encounter the same problem with Hunter pets

Sometimes it’s not you, but your pet that has aggro. Try dismissing the pet.

I usually go for a resummon, that dismisses and summons in one step. Sometimes it works but a lot of times it’s something else keeping me in combat. Perhaps some non-controllable minion or something else.