Getting no loot = burnout

We’re getting gear tho. It might not be at a pace you like, but it’s not like they removed drops from the game. Keep in mind it’s only been a month of the expansion.

“The stuff” is called the game lmao. I raid because killing bosses is fun, not because I want purples.

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I agree. I like gear how it is, but a token system would be a good addition.


Lot like the old days. But at least you have your vault to check every tuesday.

That exact thing could have happened in prior expansions too. It was just less likely to occur. The only way to “guarantee” reward is to make every mob in the game drop currency and then shift all gear to currency vendors, which Blizzard has said they won’t do.

Are we really using 8.3 as a reason to deny reasonable loot drops in slands? 8.3 was the end of expac catch phase for alts, you know…you same very people that cried for blizz to do?


Cant even grind Legion raids for transmog. Blizzard wants to punish the audience for doing new and old content. :cold_sweat:


I pvp and get exactly the loot I work for, its quite nice.

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Hey man can you cover 10 of my shifts? I’ll pay you next week, maybe it’ll be alot of money, maybe it’ll be a chicken and a few eggs WHO KNOWS isn’t that exciting!

If blizz insists on making everything unfun and feel like a job, then I expect to be paid when I punch the clock. END OF STORY

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Fully agree, I mean they learned this lesson and brought back honor gear vendors, why not the same for PvE, and to get out ahead of it, no we are not asking for BiS from currency, we want a meaningful way to progress our characters through a system that rewards time investment. If needed keep the gear on par with honor pieces.


I’m sorry but no. You are just wrong. The gear drops were significantly decreased in this expansion.

This would not have happened in BFA.

Also, you think dozens of hours of effort should not have rewards besides the great vault? How can you be such a blizz simp?


The fun of the game should be the reward lmao

It sounds like you only play this game for the gearing process lol

Go play a p server with vendors and you can get all the gear you want!

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The entire purpose of doing anything in this game is to get gear. Seems pretty obvious to me.

You have fun doing the same dungeon 100 times?


Wrong. The entire purpose of this game is to have fun. If you’re not having fun then leave lol

Is that not what M+ is for?

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You know what would burn me out? Getting gear upgrades from every boss, every chest, every quest/WQ ect. You would gear up, within a week or two tops, sounds boring to me.

I like the sense of accomplishment and reward when I am able to get a nice upgrade from a boss drop, or from a chest, ect. It’s not a race for anyone outside the, “Bleeding Edge Raiders, ect.” type of people.

I much prefer how it easy, feels like a nice balance of work vs. reward, and I hope and pray that Blizzard doesn’t roll it back to the Legion/BfA days where gearing up was a laughable ordeal.


Except content progression is very ilvl dependent, making it essential for most classes to constantly get better gear.


Some of you never played vanilla or had the pleasure of farming for The Sun Eater and it shows…it shows big time.

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That’s not how probability works.

Each event is independent.

There’s no bad luck protection.


Yeah man getting rewarded for my work sucks, lets all work for free too!


I played Vanilla and I had no desire to repeat the process in Classic.

I don’t think it really works, comparing the early expacs to m+. In a large part, I tolerated the old loot system because dungeons got irrelevant as quickly as they did.

Who cares how rare the Baron’s 1hs was once you were raiding? etc.

If you seriously think the majority of players have been playing for WoW for fun, then you seriously don’t understand the audience that plays this game.

This is a game that has the motto “fun is for casuals”

The people who actually don’t care about gear, are the ones who aren’t that interested high keys, raiding beyond normal, or anything challenging, and prefer just working on their transmog.

Incredibly, they’ve put in place a system that demotivates their most devoted players, the ones willing to do the same content, over and over, willing to push themself, for the associated reward; the endorphin shots. A weekly vault isn’t going to substitute that.

Their hardcore audience is gonna leave in droves unless they begin feeling rewarded for their time playing the game. For these players, it’s always been about the gear treadmill, it’s what makes them do something for the 100th time. You remove the carrot, the donkey will stop working.