Getting destro nerfed



Probably also smell like elderberries.

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Dear Warrior Diary;

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Rip. But yeah, Destro is totally getting nerfed.

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Tbh Chaos bolt needs to do slightly less damage but not able to be interrupted.

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Thank you for your honesty Big Fred


Let’s amp up the destro meme. Everyone make a lock and spec into destro, at any level and use it as your post character until destro is removed… I mean nerfed.


So, basically the same thing you do then?

Keep us updated op, god speed. You are the last hope for humanity.

Can you also go gushing again?

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i would but my warrior is 6 gushing stacked. cant bite the hand that feeds

You face. It is the thing of nightmares.


Still rather queue into mediocre destros at 2.4 that can’t get kills outside of CDs over even worse RMPalas with spites.

Thsts the thing. Destros DONT get kills outside of cd’s unless their Fmage partner is also blasting.

Our cb’s dont hit hard outside of infernal/darksoul

Well, I don’t agree with that.

Good destros can, but they are pretty far and few in between. But ya generally from a healer PoV, Destros aren’t as oppressive as RMPala with spites.



Only when spell reflection can actually reflect the full 35% of gpie

This is why locks are the highest rep. class in 2400 in 2v2 as well as 3v3. Cause they can’t get kills outside their CDs. /sarc


I worded it poorly. On their own the CB dmg with no cd’s isnt high enough to score kills on their own. Compare that to melee who have constant sustain pressure (arms/dh/ww/rogue)

Against vers outside of cd’s USING focus chaos talent my cb’s will hit for 70-80k and thats with a higher mastery lower haste build and 477 ilvl. Its decent dmg but ypu still have to get enough off in a row for it to be meaningful dmg.

Dont even get me started on Arms warriors and trying to get meaningful Cbolt dmg into them. They are brick walling me in 2’s i just cant figure out how to beat Vers stacked Arms warrior/MW

I feel like my last post is a perfect response to this post as well…

You struggle vs. Warriors - yet D.locks are out repping them in 2400 (190 destros vs. 60 arms warrior)

Sounds like a get good problem to me.


So they face a lot less arms warriors in 2’s. Makes sense. Representation doesnt mean ALL the destros are beating the arms warriors.