Getting Certain Abilities Off GCD/Thoughts on Fel D/Demonic in SL

I’m sure a lot of classes and specs have those abilities that feel really awkward to cast during combat. For example, VDH’s sigils and our Imprisonment. Mainly speaking from the side of PvE. I use my Sigils/Imprisonment mainly for interrupting. So being able to insta cast them, like our kick, would make the class feel a lot smoother. (Looking back, maybe a GCD for our Sigils might be an option too. Like our Sigils have their own GCD. Maybe insta casting them is a bit much? So you cast one Sigil, that’ll trigger a GCD for your other Sigils. Could be an option as well.) The same goes for those other classes/specs that have those kinds of abilities. It would seem to just be a nice quality of life change. Maybe I’m not seeing something that would totally be game-breaking or over the top. Not sure.

Thoughts on our class going into Shadowlands?

Demonic, the talent that lets us Meta after Fel D, I think it’s called Demonic. Anyways, seems like the goto everyone is digging at the moment. Sad to see they nerfed it. Along with nerfing Fel D. I find that odd. Not sure if the damage of Fel D is going up, or nerfing the damage of Soul Cleave, but spamming Fracture and dumping your Pain into Soul Cleave does more damage I would think. If that’s the case, you would only use Fel D for the healing or Demonic Talent. But Soul Cleave + Souls you gather I would assume heal more. So you would only use it for the Demonic. I know Soul Barrier seems like an odd choice, but I really like the playstyle with Soul Barrier. 30-second cooldown that tops you off at 5 Souls. Or, that’s how I look at it anyways. That’s just me though. Anyways, if what I said above is true, Fel D should only be used with Demonic. I could totally be wrong and Fel D received a buff or Soul Cleave received a nerf. Or I could just be totally wrong due to some other reason.

Ok, I’m done.

Fel rush needs to come back off GCD, like it was in Legion. It’s been buggy as crap (sending the DH off in unintended directions, lagging, not going off, causing disconnects, and I’m sure others) since Blizz put it on the GCD.

Most of the class’ shortcomings for SL, as of right now, are due to other mechanics changes. For havoc, the biggest are the changes centered around the Demo build, which is the far more popular build among the pve crowd due to its increased survivability and momentum’s tie to movement…and also, it’s more fun for a lot of us.