Getting better at Healing Mythic +

Hey there,

Can ya’ll veterans share some tips and tricks? I am trying to get better at healing mythic +. I’ve done up to 6+ but sometimes even 2+ is a pain in the butt and the tank health is just chunking (Mostly warriors) and I can’t heal fast enough, and then the party starts blaming me for the failure (fair or not).

I’d like to continue doing mythic+'s but I don’t want to hold other teams back. I’ve been using my CDs and stuff but I just don’t know what I am doing wrong sometimes.

Edit: I am a Disc priest


It’s the only healer that its healing heals in burst pattern except Shadowmend.
That means if you mess up the burst by bursting at the wrong time, you only have Shadowmend which drains a lot of mana.

The only way to know for sure is for you to upload video of a m+ run, maybe you burst cds at the wrong time.

I see, I’ll try to upload a video.

I might be bursting at the wrong time, but normally on an intense fight I’ll use radiance that procs penance, whilst using power word shield and dpsing.

Without seeing what you’re doing tough to say. For the most part, are you underutilizing rapture, using pw: radiance when pw: shield be sufficient, only using penance as an offensive, keeping purge the wicked up at all times, spamming shadow mend etc . . .

To make u not feeling bad, i hate healing warriors or at least the warriors i played with. 1300 io + and at 220 il, they dropped like flies. All cds and all heals focused on him, if others geT big damage hit then it’s over.


I would change your first talent row to twist of fate. It helps with the yo-yoing of health sometimes in keys.

Disc with low haste can also be really punishing, I’d say try to get to around 10% haste ish as a goal. When your tank is getting smonked you can spam a rapture shield. So say you put a rapture shield, weakened soul fades and then you immediate put another shield.

Are you using your CDs as well as possible? If you sit on your CDs or use them too late you lose a ton of damage reduction and the catch-up can feel tough with disc. Say for example the ugly big red dudes in De Other Side. If theres no interrupt for their big aoe cast, make sure you have barrier down either immediately before or immediately after the cast goes off. It sounds dumb but timing is a big part of healing keys as disc, you need to be watching timers and casts. Also don’t be afraid to pain suppression a dps if they need it.

Are you running the power word radiance potency conduit? I’d say to go Nadja for keys bc the umbrella mastery buff is nice but having to stay in one spot is kinda ehh. And Draven is ok but I don’t find it as good of a soulbind for mythic +.

I found the more I did them the better I got at recognizing which pulls were going to need more attention and where to save cooldowns for. Alot of this depends on dps not getting smacked by things they shouldn’t be getting hit with.

But by and by in each dungeon theres afew pulls where u will need to pump out heals to overcome the damage and knowing boss mechanics so you can time your spells also makes it alot easier.

A thread I made when I was getting KSM early-on in the xpac for general tips:

As far as stuff I can see from you ATM -

Don’t use Schism if you’re having trouble in keys at all. Schism’s not bad if you’re confident in the content - but you don’t have enough to fit in its window to really make it worthwhile, and Twist of Fate is going to have a ton of uptime.

Generally I’d take Draven or Nadjia in M+ - most likely Draven. Theotar isn’t bad, but he’s far more useful in raid where mastery is just way better. Draven will do a lot to increase your personal survivability, and his final tier does affect atonement and Shadowmend.

Get rid of your Tablet trinket ASAP. Disc doesn’t get atonement off of damage proc trinkets. You’re far better off even with a 197 version of the PvP haste + int proc trinket. Just do like a battleground or two and you can have it.

Your haste is very low. You should be prioritizing ilvl on everything except jewelry/trinket slots, so if this is the highest gear you have absolutely use it. But you should be aiming for Crit+Haste pieces for M+.

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Please do not fear gearing up and trying more and learning. I promise you that just your inspiration to do better will make you a better player than most people.

Also keep in mind, in low keys, people LOVE standing in stuff. They love failing mechanics, they love watching mobs chain cast while their interrupt sits around just waitin’ to be pushed. Don’t try to take too much blame as a healer in M+.

Just take your time, glance some dungeon videos, keep getting better and pretty soon you will also be muting your mic so you can seethe behind DPSs’ backs!