Getting achievements done

How did you start the long grind of catching up?

I’ve been trying to re-do / do everything on this guy…revived him from my vanilly account… its going to be a long road *sweats…

Think I will start and just try to get all eastern kingdom done and so on…what do you think?

Hope everyones havin a fantastic day.

Im starting out myself, i quit for many years, a brick at a time for something you know you can build. Takes time but keep at it.

Diversify your achievements. Go do old quests, if that gets boring do pet battles, archaeology, or whatever you feel like. It can help to make a google doc with a few goals you have. A small daily routine can help get some of the achievements that take many weeks/months. There are also many discord communities focused on achievement hunting that can help you group up

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Been playing since vanilla launch and It’s a long road to try and catch up with any achievement or a list of them you enjoy or find meaningful. Find whatever is meaningful to you of the lot and try and “have fun doing them”. Importance, in just having fun.

To me though Achievements are a time sink to me and I for the most part don’t spend time doing them except the few that I deem just important for overall game play like BFA Flying and the BFA Campaign story. For all else I don’t really care. Over the years I’ve played WoW less and less taking longer breaks after every return so i waste not time doing in game achievements for the most part. I’m just surprised though when I randomly achieve something seeing it flash in game. The real life ones are more important these days. But if it works for you to have something to do in game, take it a bite at a time doing them and make sure your having fun doing them. Just do the more meaningful ones to you first if you can. Take ya time though.