Pass, it’s not the kinda mount I like
The bear’s face looks oddly… now WoW… like, it deviates in the art style in a way that is difficult to describe…
To each their own. I personally adore the new face
I think you misread my post.
I didn’t say that I didn’t like it. I just said that the mount has an oddly different art style.
I think that WoWs art style is definitely transforming. I can agree to that then
I think this could be the case and it’s sometimes evident in armor sets.
I wonder if the entire world will slowly be overhauled to fit that art style…
In which case, the mount kinda stands out in an odd fashion.
I’ve wondered this a lot actually. Part of me is hopeful for a world overhaul, and part of me would miss the old graphics and theme.
they learned a lesson from cata. dont redo the zones. the burning zones dont look good now. whereas the classic zones would look timeless
When I look at Legion’s super detailed death knight armor set (the one from EN/NH) while juxtaposed in a lo-res place like Ratchet, I often wish for an overhaul.
It’s difficult for my smooth brain to resolve.
You do have a point. The bundle as a whole might be worthwhile. I’m just not sure at this point if there’s enough other things that I want in the bundle to make it worth spending $40.
that set still has its old design callbacks. like the padded legs mesh that literally 70% of plate and leather have and use even today
And other things for Blizz other games
I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at.
I’m referring to the juxtaposition of assets and art styles.
its all affiliared
Not sure about that .I’ve speculated about that being a possibility or it being a 6month sub mount and I have heard others say it may be if you are logged in around a certain date time frame.
Do they? I mean lets look at it logically for a moment. And bear with me as I mean no ill-will towards them.
They do a great job at what they do, but there are a lot of smaller things that make it look lazy. Same mount offered 5-6 times just a slightly different tint, dungeon gear that is essentially the Oribas pvp set(the leather shoulders from Plaguefall happen to be nearly the same as the pvp set). With only 1 unique boe epic model that I’m aware of(Wolf Fang Fist).
They do an amazing at the environments, but they need to hire on more for the dungeon gear at bare minimum. Especially when you consider that 1 guy from WoWhead designed class armor for each zone and WoWs own art department offered 4 sets of gear based on each zone. 1 for each armor type.
Like amazing spectral effects such as a shiny red ghost horse?
So don’t buy it? Problem solved.
Why would they give the best sets out for bs non-content? The transmogs are fantastic. Pretty much all of the elite/ glad pvp sets are awesome, the legendary armor that will be mogable is probably the best in the game, the plate is just breathtaking, 75% of the convenant armor is amazing. If you can’t find something to like in amongst what is available, you are either not doing the content that rewards it, or just full of it and will never be happy. If its the former, do something more than LFG dungeons. /thread.
And WoW players just eat it up