Get the word out Alliance AV

At the beginning of the game… All rogues go to Horde base and kill turn in.


You’re a dreamer… I like that.

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Yes please, kill the armorsmith, wing commanders, and mostly importantly, kill the druids. Right from the start, do this.

edit: I misunderstood OPs intention, my comment is a plea to the horde - do this to the alliance NPCs and make the rep babies cry.

Even better would be for all rogues and druids to take the RH and hold it as long as possible. Hopefully by the time they get booted alliance will have IBGY or better.

Even better, do both!

i got exalted on my mage without a single win
if u kill my druids u are on the Not Cool list

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Be careful what you start. Imagine losing every game and Horde kills your turn ins to spite 5 Rogues doing it to them.

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Good luck. I don’t think enough rogues or druids will ever group up to kill something. They can’t even get our towers.

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I’m quite certain the rogues who would do it would already be exalted and would thus lose nothing, doing it for keks only.

You, on the other hand, would lose even your 2 hour long queues and make it 4 hours if you start denying alliance rep semi-regularly. And you would make it infinite if you so it every game.

This is actually a great strat. Bassically, the current meta is an alliance turtle with rep farm from horde body looted crystals. However, quite often, this turtle is broken due to the icelord being summoned.

Prevent the icelord from being summoned, and an AV game can last for hours! And while the rep gains are infinite, the honor is capped due to diminishing returns on kills.

As a consequence, the horde hph would drop drastically in such games. That would lead to horde players AFKing mid-game. On the other hand, that would increase the number of horde players who would get into no objective honor game mid way after 2 hours of waiting in queue. Oh, I can taste the horde tears already. So salty.

All in all, this would annihilate the horde AV hph and would cause many geared players to stop queuing on horde side, bringing more parity to the sides.

This may be the best alliance option. Spread the word. Respond to scorched earth by scorched earth.


Yes, imagine how much that would help the horde.

Wrong. Flip that around. It’s a horde turtle, if any alliance tries to get past it they get smacked down quickly. Give it a try, you’ll see that.

So now alliance have mostly given up even trying because it’s wasted effort. The game goes until horde get enough reinforcements and summons to push. Half hour mark comes up so they get bonus honor and then they push to end the game.

The current game is entirely driven by the horde, there’s very little a random group of alliance can do about it. If you could organize a group you might be able to grab a southern GY and break the turtle but that’s very tough with random players.